Part 7

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Jimin got a call from Taehyung, saying that Jungkook got to know about their meet and he is sulking right now, so Jimin is going to their home, also Lana was in her hospital, she was having 24 hours shift.

Jimin sat on the back seat, while his driver was driving the car. Taehyung sent him, his car.

He was in his thoughts, when he got a call from Lana. He took his phone from his pocket and attended the call, and took the phone near his ear.

Hello oppa, hope I didn't disturbed you

Nah, you didn't. Well what's the matter that you remembered me?

I told you I have 24 hours shift right?

Yeah... what's the matter?

Well... now it's 36 hours (Lana said in fake crying voice)

Oh my poor bun, don't worry I will be fine, I will be at my friend's home.

Well ok as you say, I wasn't even worried for you lol (Lana said in a joking voice)

Idiot go in hell (Jimin said and cut the call)

Lana just chuckled.

After 10 minutes Jimin reached at Taehyung's home and started going inside.

As he entered inside he saw Jungkook was laying on the couch, shirtless.

Jimin went towards him and said loudly "hello my jungle book"

As Jungkook whole attention was in his mobile, so as he heard Jimin's voice, he flinched a bit and then he said in an excited voice "oh... shortyyy"

Jungkook said and ran towards him, hugging him tightly, while saying "I missed you my shortyyyy"

Jimin hugged him back and said "I am not short, you are tall, what can I do?" He said while pouting.

"Hahha" Jungkook said and they both pulled out of the hug and they both sat on the couch.

"Where's tae by the way?" Jimin asked as he roamed his eyes at the area. "He is in the company" Jungkook answered him, as he nodded in response.

They both were talking to each other, as they met after 5 months.

Suddenly Jungkook said "I won't talk to you hmph" he said while pouting in which Jimin frowned and asked "why? What's happened kook"

"You both enjoyed together without me, that's so unfair" Jungkook said while pouting in which Jimin laughed out loud and said "hahaha, awww"

"Shut up" he said while rolling his eyes. Jimin just laughed at his face.

"Well,How's everything?"
Jungkook and Jimin were now in Jungkook's Gaming room.

"NOOO" Jimin said while yelling as he saw how Jungkook overtake him.

"YOU ARE CHEATING" Jimin said while yelling while Jungkook while focus was on the PC.

"SHUT UP" Jungkook said while shouting back, glancing him.
"YAAYYYY" Jimin said loudly while standing up from his seat, dancing, teasing Jungkook while showing his tongue towards Jungkook.

"Fuck" Jungkook said while hitting his hands on the table.

"Hahahahha loser" Jimin said towards Jungkook. "Shut the fuck off you short asshole" Jungkook said to Jimin while glaring at him.

"You were cheating" Jungkook said while Jimin was about to say something but-

"I am back" A cheerful yet husky voice said to the boys who were fighting.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at Taehyung while he spoke "what you guys doing?"

"Tae you know what happened?" Jimin said in a teasing voice while Jungkook glared at him.

"How can I know? I was in my company" Taehyung said in a sassy voice while Jimin glared at him, Jungkook laughed as how Taehyung taunted or we can say roasted  Jimin.

"Bro fuck your self" Jimin said while rolling his eyes.

Taehyung just chuckled then he asked "well... what happened? As when I entered the room, I saw you both fighting like kids?"

"Me and Jungkook was playing a car game and- Jungkook who don't you tell what happened then?" Jimin said to Jungkook while Jungkook glared at him and then he said "of course why not you, I am controlling myself from saying you something. Well... Jimin loss a game from me"

"HUHH???? LIAR YOU LOSS A GAME FROM ME,LIAR" Jimin said while shouting looking at Jungkook, being disappointed at his lie.

Everyone had their dinner, now everyone was sitting in Taehyung's room, talking to each other.

"Well, I gotta go, I don't know why, but my man called me saying something important came" Jungkook said while frowning a bit.

"Oh, why?" Jimin said as he knew that Taehyung mostly goes from a year because once Jungkook went in night and he had a really major accident, so after that Taehyung and Jimin didn't allowed him to go at night.

"I myself don't know" Jungkook said while shrugging off, while they both just nodded.
Jungkook had left, now Taehyung and Jimin were in the room, "did your man got the picture of your girl?" Jimin said while teasing him by saying his Girl.

"Oh yeah, wait let me show you her photo, she is freaking gorgeous.

"Okk" Jimin said being excited.

"Ok... come here and see her" Taehyung said being a bit nervous and also confused on what Jimin will say after he saw her.

Jimin came towards Taehyung and Taehyung gave him his phone, "let's see our boy's girl" Jimin said in very exciting voice.

Taehyung was looking at Jimin, curios at his reaction, but
But...... he frowned when he saw Jimin had no expressions, from his face it looked like he saw someone dead.

"What happened?" Taehyung said in nervous voice looking at Jimin's face.

No... it's can't be   that was Jimin thoughts looking at the photo.

"Is s-she the o-one whom y-you lo-loves?" Jimin said while stuttering.

"Yeah" Taehyung said being confused like hell.

Jimin felt his heart breaking like someone broke a glass, he felt warm tears in his eyes.


How was the part everyone? What do you think will happen now? Does Jimin have feelings for Lana?

Don't forget to vote lovelies if you liked the part

Comment plz so I can't understand your point of views

If there's any mistake then I am sorry because I wrote the part in hurry

Instagram acc : Jeonzxiee_

Thank you!

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