Chapter 2: everything changes

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Today I'm 16. Maybe my luck will turn. Maybe I will get a friend....

"Um um what's her name... Uh vallery come...... Eat...", said my aunt through the door.

Nothing's changed then.

I opened the laundry door, while getting squished up against the wall.
"Ahh", I yelled us I tripped over a pile of my aunts clothes and landed on the couch. Gee I wish she would trip over her mess!
"Aggghhhhh", someone screamed from the next room. I heard a bang.
"Auntie?", I said loudy. It sound weird because I don't talk to people even her.
I peeked into the next room another living room for her and her friends.
I started to scan the room. She wasn't here?
"Huh?", I said has something cold touched my foot. I looked down in horror. I nelt down and turned my aunt on to her back and felt her heart. She..... She was dead! She's tripped!?

Did I do that!? I couldn't have?! That's stupid stuff like that only happens in stories. I grabbed the phone and called one of aunties friends and left it on the bench. She won't notice me either but I want someone to find my aunt and I have to get out of here. What if it was me.

I ran to school. A tear rushed off my cheek. Noisy sounds started swirling in my head as I ran. I stopped and held my head. And clenched my teeth.
"Hi oh it's are I got a my dad is my family like I watched a show about let's hurry to it's cold I want to swim but I like my ", I heard
What was that! Is some one playing a sick joke on me.
"Who's what I hope I packed the bell is I hate I wanted to go i need to buy some it feels like that person across the street.....", I heard
What it's this!! Did that voice mean me. I looked across the street. I big gush of wind and ran smashed into my face. A boy on the other side was looking at me hard. I tried to listen. Wait he wasn't talking why could I hear him" that girl across the I would like apples I got new my family is I got a TV i hope I get home on", I heard. Where those voices coming from the people walking past me?!! But BUT they are not talking!!
I want to know the end of the sentence about me! What ever it is! I just want to know. "I like to my name is I want peanut I hope the the girl over there, across the I like the colour that girl across the street it feels like she isn't there! why am I looking at nothing!", I heard.
The boy walked away.
I stood up straight. Still hearing the voices. Is that how everyone feels about me. I ran away crying that boy from school looked at me in a different way again. I ran past him. I looked back. I saw his face. He looked sad as I ran. "She's really pretty but wait what was I doing", I heard. That might be him. But even he can't remember me! Why!! I ran it a little forest and sat down on a swing I found as a kid. I opened my favourite book and tried to go into another world. Anywhere.

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