Chapter 5 - Someone like me... exists too?

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A demolished house, rubble lying everywhere

Cracked memories, puddles of blood

One lone survivor did a pledge, promising to himself to take revenge on his aggressors

But it's a vain attempt, he was discovered

The house was rummaged, certain peculiar things found and the boy taken. He tried to resist, but it was pointless

At first he cired, ran, attacked, but after some time, he gave up

The boy is beaten, his mind fractured

But one thing remained after all this torture

His revenge

~Virion POV: Flashback during Vasilis's imprisonment, in a conference room~

"We can still not trust him enough, my king." Deuce, my advisor said. His impatient tone showed that he was still not completed, "Imagine that with this science he goes back to Sapin and the human scientists, specifically Gideon, use this strange technology to equip their soldiers and mages. Just imagine the destructive capabilities his technology has."

Across the room he spoke further, "His connections to Gideon, which we initially assumed, are not even there." They continued speculating as to the possible relationship between him and Gideon, but didn't come to a conclusion.

"Deuce is right." Danton, my other advisor said. He slammed both of his hands on the table. "We can not let Vasilis be free, or let him go anywhere else other than Elenoir. Tensions already run high with slave traders kidnapping other races and selling them for profit, or presenting those in exhibitions." His fingers clicked the table, probably his mind racing for a sensible answer.

"Our investigations revealed his non-existent status, or high position, in any kind of Sapin's cities. It's safe to keep him Zestier, to learn from his odd technology." Blaise, my third and last advisor mentioned. "The problem is his attitude towards us elves, he probably does not have a good image of us, which one can conclude from his treatment."

Over hours my advisors had several discussions about the possible outcomes of the strange human intruding in our precious city. I was responsible for the last word, and other significant inserts in the conversation.

"Which is why we need to let him feel welcome here, to not show any kind of racist remarks to him. Thus he will be willing to develop and further our technology." Deuce mentioned, his face showing a satisfied smirk.

"The problem with that is the citizens. We can not fully convince them of it." Danton added. His gaze was directed at Deuce's, "They harbor malice towards him, since he is of human origin. And we elves don't have a particularly good relationship with humans."

We won't get any further in this conversation, so stopping it now is for the best. I stand up and gaze at all three of my advisors, gaining their attention.

"This is not the main problem as of right now. I will make sure that nothing happens to him." I picked my words carefully while considering their suggestions.

"Reports from Aya and Albold mentioned his nonchalant nature towards us elves, and what he did to the slave traders he killed. It's safe to assume that he doesn't have the thought of harming elves. But you people are right, he is still not that trustful."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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