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The sun was not yet fully visible and Visenya's eyes were already open

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The sun was not yet fully visible and Visenya's eyes were already open. It was very early in the morning and she could not sleep.

She decided.

Yesterday she was not with him, she was busy with her sister, which means that now she must go after him.

She slowly untangled herself from the covers of the warmed large bed she shared with Rhaenyra that night.

She put on a bathrobe and went to her sister's room. She opened her closet and took out clothes suitable for riding a dragon. She definitely didn't want to take her clothes on because she had only dresses, she didnt have clothes for this situation. There she washed, dressed, braided her hair in a simple single braid and left. The guards stopped her in the corridor.

"What are you doing here so early Princess?"  they asked her and stood in front of her.

"I want to go to my dragon, if I'm not back by my father's awakening, tell him I'm with Vermithor" she immediately walked around them and went to Vermithor.

The sunrise illuminated the sky with a golden glow as Visenya arrived at where Vermithor was. The dragon lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers and she felt a strange calmness emanating from him. However, this peace was intertwined with fear. She hadn't been on Vermithor in six years. Her first ride, when she was nine, was terrible. The memories of her were still vivid – the fear, the chaos, the feeling of losing control. But today she was determined to be different.

"Vermithor," she whispered, reaching out to touch his scales. He was huge and imposing, and his presence gave her courage.

"Ready to go?" she asked, her voice shaking, her fear and excitement mixing into one.  Vermithor took a deep breath as if understanding what he was about to do.

Visenya climbed onto his back, her heart pounding like crazy. She knew that riding a dragon was not an easy thing, especially after such a long time. And especially when the dragon had no saddle. She sat down in the same place as then and grabbed the same one as six years ago.

The air was cool and refreshing as Vermithor slowly rose from his seat, ready for flight.

"It's going to be okay," she repeated to herself as she gripped the dragon's scales tightly.  Vermithor spread his massive wings and took off.  With the first beat of their wings they rose into the air and Visenya felt her stomach tighten.  All the fears she had suddenly became real.

They flew higher and higher, the wind whipping her face and she tried to control her fear.  "I have to handle it," she told herself.  "I have to be strong."

Vermithor flew calmly, his flight smooth and powerful. Visenya slowly began to realize that fear was giving way to a sense of amazing liberation. At this moment, high above the ground, she felt she was in the right place. The air was cold, but her heart was beating hot and strong.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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