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Carly stared into blankness, eyes filling up.
" char, I'm just nipping to the toilet, I'll be two minutes."  she said as she walked out the room and to the bathrooms. When she walked in she walked into a stall and locked the door tightly, she didn't want anyone to see what everyone thinks is a bubbly girl in tears. She sat in silence for more than two minutes, she heard a door open and remained silent until a soft voice, it wasnt Charlotte or Marjorie. " Carly, come out when you're ready I need to talk to you" the voice sounded soft and pure. Carly opened the stall door to the deputy. Autumn. " Autumn, I-" she stuttered and was trying to find the right words to explain the situation, she took a deep breath. " Autumn, I really need to tell you something." The deputy looked at her dead in the eyes. She felt sympathy. " Carly, it's ok. I don't want an explanation. I just want you to know that you are never alone, you aren't weak either"
" Thank you." Carly's voice was sorrowful but she was trying to smile.

The next day.

Yesterday was upsetting and was the only thing that was on Carly's mind but she decided to keep staying strong for those around her and only tell Marjorie about it.
Carly wasn't in the same room as yesterday thankfully. Today she was in pre-school they arnt too bad but they are full of energy she needed to cheer herself up anyway, it worked out in the end.

"Marjorie, can we talk?" Asked Carly as she entered the office. Marjorie looked up, "of course my love! What's happened?" Carly took a deep breath and explained everything that had happened the day before, Autumn listened in, she felt bad but never spoke.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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