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Hypothesis : How to kill those who were injected with Compound V's Original Serum. Subjects : Soldier Boy, Rose Quartz. Experimentations beginning immediately.

Today our scientists used a handsaw to saw off Rose Quartz' arm. Took hours, but began to build itself back. Crystallized form first, then tendons, blood, bone, skin. Scientists did it again to see if the crystal layer was merely how her body healed or if it was now a part of her. Concluded it was a healing method.

Today our scientists tried to cut out one of Rose Quartz' crystal palms. Failed. Crystals activated and lost two scientists to the fire blast. Concluded that it is either impossible, or will have to try again later.

Today our scientists injected Rose Quartz with a radioactive serum to try and counteract the Compound V serum given to her. No effects. Will be watching.

Today our scientists took blood from Rose Quartz to test for radioactive serum effects. Traces of radioactivity in her blood along with elevated cells imbued with Compound V. Concluded that the radioactive serum may have amplified her powers, and will return for further testing on this.

Today Rose Quartz was throwing up. Unrelated to any of the injections given to her, as it just started, and no injections were given this week. Blood was taken. Concluded that Rose Quartz was pregnant.

Moved Rose Quartz from the room beside Soldier Boy into an isolated chamber. Monitoring effects of the radioactivity on fetus. Scientists are studying the growth rate of child born to two Compound V experiments.

Scientists conclude to keep child and terminate Rose Quartz after its birth. Testing all ways to exterminate on Soldier Boy for when the time comes.

Scientists conclude, after much testing done, that no way was discovered in this time for Soldier Boy or Rose Quartz to be killed. The two will be kept for testing and as war weapons. Permanent Cryochambers being constructed; temporary was efficient when tested on Soldier Boy, and held him without restraints.

Rose Quartz gave birth to a baby girl. No physical signs of powers or abilities.

Soldier Boy and Rose Quartz put into cryochambers. No use for them at this moment. Scientist Natalya Petrov has taken in the infant to raise.

Baby has been named Anastasiya Petrov, codenamed Patient Zero.

Rose Quartz removed from cryochamber for blood testing compared to Patient Zero. Refuses to cooperate unless we tell her things about her child. Every cooperation, we tell her something. Promise to eventually let her meet her, never fulfill.

Rose Quartz has been permanently put into cryochamber. 

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