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1986. One year old. Growing exceptionally. No signs of physical attributes relating to her powers. Small for her age.

1987. Two years old. Still small for her age, but shows growth. Speaking short sentences. Walking around. Theories sprouting that time in cryochamber will allow her brain adjust to the powers it has / allow them to unleash.

1988. In cryochamber. No signs of growth or aging. No signs of powers developed.

1989. In cryochamber. No signs of growth or aging. No signs of powers developed.

1990. In cryochamber. No changes. RQ asked to see her. Asked why her daughter is still so small. RQ was placed in cryochamber indefinitely.

1991. In cryochamber. No changes.

1992. In cryochamber. No changes.

1993. In cryochamber. No changes.

1994. In cryochamber. No changes.

1995. In cryochamber. No changes.

1996. In cryochamber. Brain activity. Monitoring for further analysis.

1997. In cryochamber. Brain activity still erratic and still monitored.

1998. In cryochamber. PZ's fingers twitching. Brain activity picking up.

1999. In cryochamber. Eyelids flickering. Brain activity mimicking that of seizure.

2000. In cryochamber. Brain is awake but PZ's body is not. No matter what temperature the chamber is set to, the brain will not sleep again.

2001. In cryochamber. Developing technology to figure out if PZ is lucid or if only her brain is.

2002. In cryochamber. Determined too dangerous to wake PZ with erratic brain activity and twitching limbs; PZ must be kept in chamber like SB and RQ even as an infant.

2003. In cryochamber. PZ's eyes are open. She is staring through the glass without blinking. Brain activity has gone still.

2004. In cryochamber. PZ is back to stable brain activity. No outward movements.

2005. In cryochamber. PZ has still not awoken. Fellow scientists fear she is braindead despite the sparking activity beginning again.

2006. PZ had to be removed from the cryochamber after exploding the chamber and killing 8 doctors. PZ is awake and lucid. No injuries, no illnesses. Only a seeming insatiable hunger and want for mother.

2007. Three years old. PZ has been put into the care of Natalya Petrov as a step-in motherly figure. NP has been instructed to report any outbursts of power such as the 2004 incident, if she lives to tell.

2008. Four years old. NP reports that PZ has developed a twitching tic. Studying it at the lab extensively.

2009. Five years old. PZ's twitch is a power, but not a tic. It is a dispensing of power. PZ fries the lab's technical devices every time.

2010. Six years old. Dr. Dimitri has passed and left his practice to the next of kin. For discretion's sake, NP has been instructed to bring PZ in every two years as to not draw attention to the practices continuing on despite his loss.

2012. Eight years old. PZ has developed an attitude.

2014. Ten years old. PZ's powers seem, not unlimited, but dangerously vast, and she seems much too inclined to freely use them when she feels unsafe and does not wish to be studied. The attitude of hers worsens.

2016. Twelve years old. The attitude has vanished.

2018. Fourteen years old. The idea was brought forth of PZ becoming a Russian weapon, with the nuclear abilities she possesses in her veins. PZ was quick to agree. PZ is loyal to our practices, and will make a good soldier when her father could not.

2020. Sixteen years old. Hero name suggested to PZ as, Bombshell. PZ was in agreement. It is a lucky time indeed to be in the presence of such faithful test subjects – and powerful ones too.


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