Chapter 2

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The next morning, Y/N grabbed some coffee for her way to the hospital like the day before. She felt dead inside, but she had to pretend everything was fine.
The morning went pretty decent, she had felt dizzy a couple of times but nothing she couldn’t handle. But then she ran into Meredith.

“Hey, how are you? We barely saw each other this morning.” Grey says.

“Hey Mer, I’m fine. How ‘bout you?”

“Good. Hey, is your arm okay?”

“Yeah totally, like I said yesterday, just a scratch.” She smiles trying to sound convincing,

“Hey I know I already told you but I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“It’s okay Mer, everything’s fine, right?”

“Yeah I guess it is. It’s still hard for me and… I don’t want this to be just a one time thing, and it made me feel insecure when I felt you weren’t committed 100% and-”

“Mer, breath. I want this as much as you do. It’s just… I couldn’t, I can’t explain why yet.” She says upset.

“You know you can trust me, with anything.” She says, taking her hand.

“I know Mer and thank you, but I don’t feel like talking about it right now, not here.” Anxiety starting to creep in.

“I get it, but I’m serious. We can talk later and clear things up if you want.”

Y/N couldn’t think straight right now, voices in her head about everything that happened, cuts, blades, mother, disappointment, failure, Meredith, scars, burden. Trying not to vomit, but feeling so sick. Luckily or not, an Addison Montgomery all leggy and fabulous showed up, without them knowing she’s been listening to the conversation. And she decided to save Y/N from this situation that clearly was being too much.

“Good morning, doctors. Grey, if you don’t mind I’m stealing Y/N from you to help me with a case.” She says between the two of them.

“Addison. All yours, but I want her back safe and sound.” Meredith teases.

“Oh but of course, I wouldn’t dare.” They both laugh. “Y/Nickname, you okay? You don’t look very-” She gets cut by her pager. “Crap I gotta go. We’ll talk later.” She says leaving fast.

“Y/L/N are you okay? I don’t really need you, but you didn’t look so good.” Addison says. And before Y/N can answer, she just can’t hold it anymore.

“Sorry.” She says as she sprints to the closest bathroom with her hand on her mouth. Montgomery following her when she indeed realized she was not okay.

Y/N goes into the first cubicle and vomits. Addison grabs toilet paper and stands behind her, holding her hair and caressing her back until she finishes. Y/N cleans her mouth and throws away the paper into the toilet, flushing the toilet and leaning sitting against the wall.

“I’m sorry, thank you.”

“Better?” Addison asks sitting by her side.


“Does Grey make you that nervous to end up throwing your guts out after talking to her?” She tries to joke.

“No- It’s not that… Yesterday we had a… Little problem, let’s say. I just- It gives me anxiety that something might change or I don’t know.”

“That bad?”

“Yeah. No. I don’t know- I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, sorry Montgomery, it’s not very professional.”

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