21 1 0

- So, we have two favourites. This is “The Busker„, and Twitchy. For win Twitchy need 206 points. Are you ready?
I'm sit on sofa and finally don't nervous, because I know, what Busker winner's.
- And Twitchy, has a 237 points! We have a winner! My congratulations!
Exuse me?
I'm winner?
My friend started a hug me, but I'm can't believe.
- Netta, you win! You understand?!
In my cheek was a tears.
I'm stund up and go to stage.
Leading gave me a trophy and hug me.
- Please, say something
- O my god, I'm don't believe it. Thank you for everyone's, thank you for voting for me! I hope what you will proud! Thank you so much!
- In this year, in Eurovision, drive a Twitchy with song “Illusion„. After three months, we see on she in semi final. Good luck!


Tooday a last day before first Eurovision PreParty. I'm so excited, but I have a dream team, who gave me a many support and I have a faith, what I have chance to go in Grand-final.
Yesterday we arrived in Barcelona and now I'm going in talk show,  which was organized from my delegation. Sometimes I go in talk show, but rarely. I'm not so populated and I think this ok, but now I have more popularity, and in this show interviewer say what want talk about my stage name, my song and about my expectations for semi final.
I'm small nervous. My friend saw this and take my hand in her.
- Netta, kollox se jkun tajjeb, din mhix l-ewwel darba tiegħek waqt intervista ( Netta, everything was ok, you not first time in interview)
- Iva, naf, imma din hija intervista ta' qabel il-Eurovision ( Yes, I know, but this interview before Eurovision )
- Kollox se jkun tajjeb, tista 'timmaniġġjah ( Everything be ok, you got it)
- Grazzi qalbi ( Thank you, my heart)


- About your stage name, why Twitchy?
- Yes, I'm often so nervous and I'm think, why don't make something with my nerves. I'm watch on everything version, and Twitchy really like me. I'm call my friend and say “Hi, what you think about Twitchy, maybe I take this?„. She likes this too and I take it.
- So your name go in your nerves?
- Yes
- I never hear something like this, but this cool
- Thank you
- What about your song?
- Ou, yes
- How did you write it?
- Where I sit in my room,  last year, I remember my first relationship, and I think, why not too. I wrote this text with hope what everyone understands about what song, but too I houp what not many people know this feeling
- Ok, but I say you what I'm really like your song. Your voiced with this words, just amazing
- Oooou, thank you, I really appreciate it
- I hope what you go in Grand-final, you have my vote and my heart
I blew her a kiss
- Thank you so much for interview, nice to meet you in real life
- Thank you too, it was nice to see you


- Tajjeb, kollox kien tajjeb ( Well, everything was fine )
- Iva, Sarah hija ħelwa ħafna u ħadt gost din l-intervista ( Yes, Sarah is very sweet and I enjoyed this interview )
We hugs with Nora
- Issa ejja, wasal iż-żmien li mmorru lura ( Now come on, it's time to go back )
- Iva, ejja mmorru ( Yes, let's go )




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(Let's imagine that Antoinette is here

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Liked by: eurovision and 6342 other
@twitchy_off First time in Barcelona, incredible

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@user4567: I can't wait for your performance
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@eurovision_malta: ❤️❤️❤️
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Author's notes:
Hi. Congratulations to myself on the first chapter and writing the second. I have houp what you like it and of course, I don't speak in Maltese, but my translator help and I think what this not is very bad.
Thank you what you read it, love and hug you.


Your music heart/Kris Guštin Where stories live. Discover now