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"-Hi, baby, how are you?
It seems I was born sick„, - a song started at quiet and calm notes
I saw in room many up hand with flashlights.
I don't sing this song first time, but this reaction on first time. It even touched me a little, but I'm singing further.
"- The only heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you,„- with time my voice been louder, with music.
I feel support from people on room and this three minutes was a amazing.
"- Hi baby,
I will never forget you as my main illusion, for now
I hear applause and shouting. I take hands my dancers, we bowed, and leaving from stage.
I saw Nora, which made a video. She jumped for joy, when we came.
- Prosit għeżież, kien sabiħ, mhux żball wieħed! ( Congratulations dear, it was beautiful, not one mistake! ), - she hugged me tightly
- Grazzi, Nora ( Thank you, Nora)
Before where she leave me, she hugs Milla and Robert, I hugs they too, and we want go in dressing room, but somebody grabbed my hand, I turned around and saw what this was Nace. He stands with somebody guys and with guitar in hand.
- Oh, hi!, - I say
- Hi, I just want to say, you was so cool! I'm really like it!
- O my god! Thank you so much!, - I hug he, to which he reciprocated - Your performance next?
- No, now be a Spain, and we next, - he see back, and I saw guys, who stand behind him and watch on our
- Hi, - and like always, I was shy
But they smile to me and waved to me.
- Good luck, I surely watch your performance!
- Ok, see you
I smiled again and go out.
After we left unnecessary things and I changed my shoes, because I can't been in this shouse, I take a sneakers and we go on balcony. When we go, Joker Out gone in stage. I was was happy, what I don't late and can watch they performance fully.
When music started, everyone shoulder, Milla started a video, where we dance. At the chorus we started dancing and trying to sing along. Yes, we don't know text, but because of energy from they, we can't just listen.
They finished, thanked the audience, bowed and left from stage.
Later some performance, we go in bar.
- Oh my god, ara, huwa La Zarra! ( Oh my god, look, it's La Zarra! ), - say Milla
- Iva, huwa veru La Zarra ( Yes, it's true La Zarra ), - I'm asked
- Nixtieq ħafna nieħu ritratt magħha ( I would really like to take a photo with her )
- Naħseb li nixtieq hekk ukoll ( I think I would like that too )
- Imbagħad forsi tista' tersaq lejha? ( Then maybe you can approach her? ), - Nora interrupted us
- Int qed tiċċajta? Jien nibża' ħafna! ( Are you kidding? I very afraid) , - I say
- Jien ukoll ( Me too ), - support me Milla
Nora rolled her eyes and go to La Zarra.
- Exuse me
- Yes?
- My friends very want make a photo with you, can they got it?
- Oh, yes, of course, - she stand up and I go to she
- Hi
- Hi, how are you?, - questioning she
- I'm great, thank you, and you?
- I'm too
Nora make a photos and I take her phone, for photo with she.
- I somewhere saw you. Do you know where?
- Yeah, I know. I'm Twitchy, from Malta
- Of course! Your one of singer!
- Yes, - I smiled
- I watched your performance tooday, but I really forgot of that!
- Oh, this ok, don't worry
- Ok, you can call me Fatima
- Nice to meet you, you can call me Netta
- Nice to meet you too
We hugged slightly.


Now first party finished and we take our things from dressing room and go outside. I noticed somebody participants tooday evening want driving walk somewhere, but I'm tired and think what don't very want driving with they. Also I noticed some people don't went too and I was completely calm after this.

When we back in hotel, I wear another clothes, washing and go to sleep.

Author's notes:
Hi, sweethearts. I missed you. I know what tooday a short part, but I think in night or on morning, I'll publishe a new part. About song on this part, really, this so bad only here. Maybe. So, I want to say, what I publishe whole song in short time. Love you 🫂

Your music heart/Kris Guštin Where stories live. Discover now