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Next two days in Barcelona, I was on my room, or in rehearsal, or walk with friends.
Tooday's morning, we drive in Warsaw. My delegation, spanish delegation, and slovenian delegation drove together. I was happy, where know what we drove with this people.


Now I stand next to airport with my team.
Everyone dancers talk about us dance. Nora talk with our translater. Everyone other just sit on benches, or sleep, because now 7 a.m.. I want sleep too, but I think I can do it in bus, maybe.
I see two big cars, which stopped in some metres on our.
Guys from Joker Out come out in car, I'm smile and back to my phone.
- Good morning!, - hear me, this was Nace
- Hi! How are you?, - I smile again. He hug me and I don't was against
- I'm good, but want to sleep. And you?
- I'm too. I wait when we been in bus, which I can sleeping
- I'm wait this too, but don't sure what I can with my boys, - we laugh
- Ok, now I remember what my dancers with me and I think, - I don't finish talking, because we started laughing again
- Hi, are you Netta, yes? Nace talking about you!, - next to we gone a guy
- Hi, yes, I'm Netta, and you?
- My name is Bojan! Nice to meet you!
- Nice to meet you too
- Maybe you meet with everyone all?, - questioning Nace
- Oh, I don't know
- Yes, that's good idea! Let's go, - Bojan take my hand and we go to they team - Guys, you need meet this girl!
- O my god, Bojan!, - say me
- I'm Jan, nice to meet you
- I'm Jure
- I'm Kris, happy meet you
- I'm Netta, nice to meet you too
- You really cool on stage!, - say Jure
- Oh, thank you so much, I'm like your performance too, and your song on my playlist
- Really?, - questioning Bojan
- Yes, of course

My phone a rang. Why somebody always text me where I have meet with this guys?
- I'm sorry, - I take my phone.
I have a missed call from Nora.
- Sorry, steems I need back
- Ok, see you in bus!
- Yes, nice to meet you again! Wait meet on bus, - I go to my team - Are you really? What happened? I don't was with you five minutes
- We just lost you
- Ok, I'm back, now say me, why you lost me?


On 8 a.m. drove two big buses, but my team my team had to scatter to another bus.
I'm sit next to Milla, behind us sit a Bojan and Kris. First time, maybe 5 hours, everyone sleeping. When I awoken, Jure, Nace and Mark ( Forgive me for God's sake, I think this is the Joker's cameraman, I forgot exactly while I was writing ), play in Uno, with my guys, Nora and Robert. I stand up and go to they, because I forgot my headphones in Robert's bag, when we go in bus.
- Good morning, - Jure saw me first
- Hi
- Do you want play with we?, - questioned me Mark
- Yes, instead of me
- Why, what happened, Rob?
- I'm lose 4 times long!, - we laughed
- Ok, but only if you back me headphones after game
- No problem
We played total one hour, until everyone wakes uped and this was so funny. Now I sit on my place, but now I next to window, before here sit Milla, but she left to Rob.
- Netta!
- O my god, Bojan, you scared me!
- Sorry, but we make video for us page and I have question, - he sit next to me
- Ok, I'm hear
- What your favourite Eurovision song, from first Pre Party?
- Hmm, I think this Blanca's song, and Carpe Diem
- Really?
- Yes
- I'm so happy, we have a person, who love our song, - he hug me, I doing the same.


For Warsaw left three hours. All time we speaking, laughing, sleeping, playing in Uno and singing more songs. I became friends with Joker Out so much and was so happy. Almost everyone managed to change places and now I sit with Kris,he is a very good conversationalist. We talked about our song's. I'm telling how I wrote my song, Kris listens carefully and seems very interested in that. Even though he asked about it himself, I'm still a little surprised.
- So you just sit on your room and wrote your song, after memories?
- Yes, you right
- This is so cool
- You speak like I wrote a book, but not song
- Come on, and you speak like write song in one evening ease!
- Ok, you win!

Author's notes:
Hi. Yes, the translation takes longer than I thought and in this part, I lose my every good writing skills. I'm so sorry. See you soon. Love you 🫂

Your music heart/Kris Guštin Where stories live. Discover now