Chapter 2 - Temporary

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Tom stumbled over to Edd and Tord, Matt following behind to make sure he didn't fall. Edd stood up and held his hands out, trying to stop Tom before he did anything stupid.

" What. The fuck. Is HE doing here? " Tom growled.

Tord stood up, " I'm not here for you guys, I don't want to start anything. "

" You have SOME NERVE showing up here after what you did to us. " He stepped closer .

Edd put his hand out infront of Tom, stopping him in his tracks " Leave him be. There's no use in starting anything, Tom. He's obviously not here to hurt us or he would've done it already "

" I. Don't. CARE. I'm surprised he's not dead and honestly dissapointed that he isn't. "

" Don't do anything you'll regret. You're drunk. Let's just go home. "

" No. I have a score to settle. " Tom rolled up his sleeves and pushed Edd's hand away before lunging at Tord.

" hEy- WOAH WOAH WOAH- " Matt pulled Tom back, holding him by his arms.

Tord backed up as Edd stood between them, " Hey! Tom that's enough! Knock it off. "

" God what was I thinking coming back here... " Tord sighed

" Yeah! What WERE you THINKING!? I don't think you were seeing as you almost NEVER DO! You're almost as bad as Matt "

" Ooh, ouch. My ego. Don't you think I already know that? "

Edd scoffed, " Hey, hey, hey. Don't bring him into this, he shouldn't be having to hold you back in the first place. "

" YEAH. LET. GO. "

" No! Not until you calm down! I don't like Todd- "

" Tord. " Edd and Tord said at the same time.

" -...Tord, either. He punched me! But there's no need to hurt him anymore, you've already done enough damage, can't you see? " Matt gestured to the burn scar covering half of Tord's face.

Tom went silent as Tord put his hands in his pockets and looked away.

Tom sighed, " Fine. I guess you do have a point. "

" I-I'm just gonna.. leave now. I've caused enough trouble just by being in your path. " He turned and started to walk off.

Edd looked at Tord and his gaze softened. Matt let Tom go, he promptly pushed him away before crossing his arms. Edd watched him walk off for a few moments before sighing and running after him.

" Tord- Wait! "

" Edd. What are you doing. "

He ignored Tom and caught up to Tord, resting his hand on his shoulder, " Tord... " He huffed, " Do you even have anywhere to go..? "

" And why is that your problem? "

" Damn it just answer the question! "

" ..No. Now answer mine. "

" Look. This doesn't mean I forgive you, hell you haven't even said sorry but- ugh that's besides the point. Look, do you want to come stay at our place? At least until you find a place of your own.. "

Tord hesitated, " Why are you caring about me..? "

" I don't know- But I can't bear to see you out in the rain with nowhere to go... even if it's- you. "


" Are you willing to stay? "

" ....Fine.. Tom's gonna kill you for this, y'know. "

" Heh, I know. Try to keep out of fights with him, okay? "

Tord scoffed, " Tell him that. "

" Don't worry, I will. "

Edd looked back at Tom and Matt and waved them over, in which they were confused. They looked at eachother and back at Edd before walking over.

" Look you two, Tord is staying with us and that's FINAL. "

Tom's "eyes" widened" WHAT? BUT HE- "

" AH-BUH-BUH-BUH- I don't wanna hear it! I know what he's done but I'll keep a close eye on him. That's why he'll be sleeping in my room! "

" Wait, whAt- " Tord blinked

" I have a spare mattress. And unless you want to sleep in the crowded, dusty basement–which isn't happening by the way–you're sleeping in my room. I can't trust you yet so I need to keep you in my sight. "

" ...That's fair I guess. "

" Bloody hell Edd, there is something wrong with you " Tom face-palmed.

" I know, thanks! "

" That wasn't- ughh.. let's just go home... I'm tired and wet. "

" And home we shall go! Forward men! " He grabbed Tord and Tom's arm and started walking.

Tom already had ahold of Matt's hand so the four of them walked ahead home.


The four of them walked into the door one after the other. Tom collapsed onto the couch, immediately falling asleep. Matt headed to his room after taking off his overcoat and shoes. Edd led Tord to his room. They walked in through his door before Edd went over to his closet and started rummaging through it.

" You're okay with sleeping on a air mattress, right? "

" I don't care.. as long as I don't have to sleep on a bench. "

" Okay then! By the way, you're completely drenched... do you need any extra clothes? "

" Oh- uh... You don't have to lend me anything.. I'll be fine. "

" No, no. I insist! I think I still have your old black coat- Give me a moment. "

" Why would you still have that- "

" It just got mixed in wit my laundry a few years ago and- Y'KNOW WHAT- IT DOESN'T MATTER! Just shut up and hang on! "

" Okay, okay. I'll shut up. " He leaned against the wall near the door.

Edd pulled out a box and opened it to pull out and air mattress. He plugged it into the wall and turned the knob to fill it with air. He walked back over to the closet and felt around for a few moments before pulling out Tord's old coat. He walked over to him and handed it to him.

" Here you go! The bathroom is the first one on the left next to my door. Just leave your wet clothes on the curtain rod, I'll wash them eventually "

" Oh- Thanks- I'll... be right back then " He took the coat and walked out.

Once the mattress was done filling up, took a few pillows off his own bed and placed it on Tord's. He also took one of the many blankets off his bed to put on Tord's aswell. As he was finishing off the bed, Tord walked back into the room.

" Hey! It still fits, huh? "

" Well I was pretty much fully grown- Oh- Thanks for setting my bed up for me. "

" No problem! "

" ...Why are you being so nice to me...? I expected you to go off if I ever saw you again. "

" Well, a part of me wants to but, I did burn whatever was left of your stuff sooo.. "

" Well obviously not all of it. "

" Anyway, I just can't help but lend a hand to a familiar face. We knew eachother for so long it's just- hard to turn you away. Even if you did it to me. "

" Yeah... Uhm... I uh- I don't know what I did that if I'm being honest... I was on some sort of power trip I suppose. "

" I could tell. Let's just- go to bed now. "

" Right. "

Tord turned off the light as Edd kicked his shoes off before climbing into his bed. Tord walked over to his mattress and layed down, covering himself up with the blanket Edd gave him. He held it close to his face. Though he didn't know why, it gave him a sort of comfort as he drifted off into sleep.

" I'm sorry. " // An Eddsworld BaconCola StoryWhere stories live. Discover now