02. matts pov

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6 months ago

I was chilling in my room, we just got back from filming a car video for tomorrow, when Nick came into my room.

"Guess which video came out a year ago?" Nick quizzes.

"I don't know, probably reacted to fanfics part 3." I guessed.

"No, but that was a good q
guess, it's the sharing our passions video were you were talking about modeling." Nick imforms.

"Oh, I'm kinda bummed that I still haven't gotten into modelling yet."
"Someone will reach out to you eventually Matt."

"Yeah I guess, but get out because I wanna go to bed."

"Ok ok, geez," Nick says playfully.

back to present day

I was watching a movie when my phone lit up. I looked at it, and it was a dm from someone I recognized but I couldn't put my finger on where from.



hey Matt, I know you are interested in modeling, so I wanna know if you wanna come and do a photo shoot with one of our other models?


                  yeah I'm totally              interested, but can
         I bring my brothers?


absolutely, the shoot starts in 2 hours and we have an outfit already picked out for you!


             may I ask who the                    other model is?


her name is Olivia Thompson, but the thing is she doesn't know you or your brothers are going.
We're keeping this from her because she's not expectin it.

            see you in 2  hours

As soon as sent that dm I ran into Nick's room.

"Nick!!" I yell.

"What?!" he aks scared.

"I got a modeling job in a couple hours and you and Chris are going with me so get dressed." I say out of breath.

"This is great, you get to fulfill a dream of yours!!" Nick said proudly.

"Oh, and by the way, I am modeling with this girl named Olivia Thompson." I added.

"WHAT!?" Nick says shocked.

"I'm modeling with this girl named Olivia Thompson," I repeated.

"Omg she is so pretty and I like apl he ig posts, I'm super excited to meet her." Nick fangirls.

"Can you go tell Chris to get ready because I need to get into the shower?" I ask.

"Yeah, omg I can't believe I'm about to meet Olivia Thompson!!" Nick shouts excitedly.

Once we were all dressed and ready to go, Emily sent me the address of the place we started to head that way.

It took about 30 minutes to get there, but we still had 10 minutes before we headed inside.

"Omg, I'm actually kinda nervous, it's my first time modeling, I don't want to mess this up." I said nervously.

"You're fine Matt, Emily wouldn't reach out if she thought you couldn't do it." Nick says reassuringly.

"You shouldn't be nervous about the modeling part, you should be scared to meet Olivia, she has more Instagram followers than all of us combined." Chris adds matter-of-factly.

"Wow Chris that helps a lot," I say sarcasticly.

"I might have forgotten to mention that me and Olivia are online best friends, and we have been planning to meet up when she doesn't have a shoot to go to." Nick adds quietly.


"Sorry I forgot until just now," Nick apologizes.

A few minutes later a blonde hair girl comes out and to our car, which Nick realized it was Emily Haywood, becuase he listens to her music.

"Hey yall can come in now Olivia will be here in 10 minutes or so." Emily informs.

We walk into the building and all sit in the lobby waiting for Olivia to get here.

"Hey, I'm Nick I'm such a hige fan of your music." Nick greets her

"Hey Nick, thanks for listening to my music, I appreciate it a lot." she says.

"Sup, I'm Chris," Chris greets nonchalantly.

"Hey Chris I'm Emily." she greets back.

"That must mean you're Matt." she looks at me and says.

"Yes I am, thank you for giving me this opportunity it means a lot." I thank her.

"No problem fans have been suggesting I have you model " she informs.

Right as she finished speaking, a black SUV pulls up in the parking lot and Olivia gets out.

Leaving yall on a cliffhanger, I don't know how I feel about this book so please give me feedback.🙏

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