03. olivias pov

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As I got out of my car, I called Emily to see where she was at since the building is multiple stories

"Hey ems I'm here where are you?" I asked.

"Hey liv I'm in the lobby with your suprise." she answers.

"Oh shit, I forgot that you had a suprise for me," I saw suprised.

"You are going to be suprised, but don't worry it's a good suprise." she states.

"Ok well I'm going to hang up since I'm walking into the building now, bye ems" I say.

"Ok hurry in here, bye liv," Emily says.

To say I'm nervous is a understatement. Emily is the most creative person I kmow, so I don't know what she has up her sleeve. As I enter the building I get greeted by the front desk as I make my way to the lobby.

"NICK?!" I yell as I saw what was in the lobby.

"OLIVIA!!" Nick says as he comes to hug me.

"You were the last person I expected to see, I thought Dior was going to be in here, since they commented on my ig post." I explained.

"Okay enough with the hugging I need to explain." Emily states.

"Okay sorry, but Nick why are their two identical people here that look like you?" I question.

"Olivia, you will be modeling with someone else today, and that someone else is Matt." Emily explains.

"I'm a triplet Olivia, this is Matt and this is Chris." Nick explains as he points to the other people.

"Hey, I'm Chris," Chris greets me.

"Hey Chris, I'm Olivia," I greet back.

"Hey, I'm Matt," Matt also greets.

I can't help but notice how Matt's eyes sparkle more than Nick's or Chris's.

"Hi, I'm Olivia." I greet him.

"Olivia and Matt, lets get you guys dressed and ready to go because we are doing the photo shoot outside," Emily said excitingly.

After I finished getting ready, I met Matt and Emily in the lobby. Matt had finished getting ready before me since he didn't have to get his makeup done.

" Beautiful as always liv," Emily compliments me.

"Thank you ems," I thank her.

"Drop dead gorgeous Olivia!!" Nick says.

"Thanks Nick, you're too kind," I giggle.

"Ok Matt and Olivia, lets get this show on the road!!" Emily says as she holds open the door.

I don't know I feel about this chapter, pls give feedback!!!!😁

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