Chapter 2

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Silverstream's POV

Silverstream waked up to find herself in a nest filled with moss and feathers. She heard scuffling of paws, she look up to find Graystripe anxiously watching her. " where am I?" she asked "you are in Thunderclan medicine cats den" Silverstream start to settle in but, "where are the Kits?" she asked. "there in the nursery, Goldenflower is suckling them". Silverstream let out a sigh, "I'm guessing the entire Thunderclan knows about this" Graystripe nodded his gray head. "Bluestar told Crookedstar about this and they agreed to let you stay in thunderclan until you have regained your strength". "Then they would discuss what will happen to the kits and... us." Graystripe curled his tail around his paws. Silverstream did a silent vow "what will ever happen to us me and Graystripe will stay together, no matter what"


Graystripe's POV

It has been two sunrises since Silverstreams kitting and is strong enough to let her kits to suckle her. Graystripe is scared about the meeting with Riverclan that is going to happen tomorrow, sunhigh. He walked into the nursery, he smiled at the two wriggling shapes next to Silverstream. "what made you go to the nursery, my love?" Silverstream said, smiling wearily "It's about the meeting tomorrow, I'm afraid it might come to the decision for us to choose a clan to settle in" said Graystripe. Silverstream sighed "I have thought about that too and I was ready for you to ask me, I will stay in Thunderclan". Graystripe let his shoulders relax just a bit. "we haven't named them yet" he said trying to change the subject "For the tom, what about Stormkit for his fur, they look just the storm clouds and for she-cat Featherkit for her bushy tail?" Silverstream replied "those names sound great! they'll be the strongest warriors when they grow up!" exclaimed Graystripe

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