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"What's wrong, Sofia?" Lexi asked, concern etched on her face.

Sofia sighed, rubbing her temples. "Donnie's been acting strange lately," she said. "He's been coming home late, smelling like other women... I think he's cheating on me."

Lexi felt a pang of guilt and regret. She had been so caught up in her own feelings for Donnie that she hadn't stopped to consider the impact it might have on his marriage and family.

Lexi felt a lump form in her throat as she gazed at Sofia. She had never really considered the possibility that Donnie might be cheating on his wife.

"Donnie wouldn't do that," Lexi said, trying to sound convincing. But deep down, she knew that her boss was capable of just about anything.

Sofia shook her head. "I know he wouldn't, not really. But I've seen the way he looks at you... I just can't compete with that."

"Sofia, listen to me," Lexi said, placing a gentle hand on the other woman's shoulder. "I know Donnie is your husband, and I know that you love him. But you deserve so much better than a man who would cheat on you."

Sofia's eyes welled up with tears as she gazed at Lexi. For the first time in her life, she felt like someone actually understood her.

Over the next few weeks, Lexi found herself growing closer and closer to Sofia. They started meeting for coffee, then for lunch, and eventually, they even started going out for drinks after dinner.

As they spent more time together, Lexi realized that she was falling in love with Sofia. She had never been with a woman before, but there was something about Sofia that drew her in, something that made her feel alive.

One night, as they were sipping wine at a trendy new bar in town, Sofia reached across the table and took Lexi's hand.

Lexi's heart skipped a beat as she felt Sofia's warm touch. She glanced up to meet Sofia's gaze, and for a moment, they just stared at each other.

Then, without another word, Sofia leaned forward and kissed her.

Lexi felt like she was melting into the kiss. She had never experienced anything like it before, and she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to spend the rest of her life making out with Sofia.

As the weeks turned into months, Lexi found herself falling deeper and deeper in love with Sofia. She knew that their love was forbidden, but she couldn't help the way she felt.

One night, as they were lying in bed together, Lexi realized that she had to make a choice. She could continue seeing Sofia in secret, risking everything she had built with the Mafia. Or she could leave it all behind and start fresh with the woman she loved.

In the end, Lexi chose the latter. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she couldn't bear the thought of living without Sofia by her side.

They left Italy behind, moving to a small town in Colorado where no one knew them. Lexi got a job at a local diner, and Sofia started her own business as a freelance writer.

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