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As Donnie emerged from the darkness, a smug smile spreading across his face, Lexi and Sofia sprang into action.

With a fierce cry, Lexi launched herself at Donnie, taking him down to the ground. Sofia joined the fray, using her martial arts skills to disarm Donnie and pin him to the ground.

As they stood over Donnie, panting and triumphant, Lexi gazed at Sofia with admiration. She had never seen her girlfriend so confident and capable before.

Sofia smiled, wiping the sweat from her brow. "Time to teach him a lesson," she said, her voice dripping with malice.

Lexi nodded, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. She had always known that Sofia was strong and resourceful, but she had never seen her like this before.

As they dragged Donnie deeper into the warehouse, Lexi couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and trepidation. She had no idea what Sofia had planned, but she knew that it wouldn't be good.

Sofia stopped in front of a large metal door, her eyes gleaming with a sinister light.

"Donnie, you've been a very bad boy," she purred, her voice sending shivers down Lexi's spine.

Lexi's eyes widened as Sofia produced a set of handcuffs from her pocket.

Sofia cuffed Donnie to the wall, her eyes glinting with amusement.

"This is going to hurt, Donnie," she said, her voice dripping with menace.

As Sofia began to torture Donnie, Lexi watched in horror, feeling a sense of unease growing inside her.

She tried to stop Sofia, but her girlfriend was too far gone. She was consumed by a desire for revenge, and nothing was going to stand in her way.

Lexi felt a pang of guilt and shame as she gazed upon Donnie's battered body. She realized that she had lost control and that Sofia was now the one calling the shots.

As the night wore on, Lexi knew that she had to make a choice. She could either continue down this path of destruction with Sofia, or she could try to stop her and save Donnie.

In the end, Lexi chose to do what she thought was right. She freed Donnie from the handcuffs and helped him escape.

Donnie gazed at her with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. He knew that he didn't deserve forgiveness, but he appreciated her kindness nonetheless.

Lexi and Donnie parted ways a few weeks later. Donnie returned to his life, forever changed by the events that had transpired.

As they fled the warehouse, Lexi turned to Donnie and apologized for everything that had happened.

As for Lexi, she went back to her normal routine, trying to erase the memories of that fateful night from her mind.

But deep down, she knew that she could never truly escape the consequences of her actions.

It wasn't until months later that Lexi received a mysterious package containing a DVD that she discovered the true extent of Sofia's depravity.

The DVD contained footage of Sofia torturing and killing numerous victims, all of whom were connected to their past.

Lexi felt like she had been punched in the gut. She couldn't believe that the woman she loved was capable of such heinous crimes.

She immediately contacted the police, providing them with enough evidence to arrest Sofia and put her behind bars.

Lexi visited Sofia in prison several times, hoping to understand why she had committed such atrocities.

But no matter how hard she searched for answers, she couldn't find any explanation that justified Sofia's actions.

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