Chapter two

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Bleak and quiet surrounded me as I was back in hel. God I can't believe that I'd ever be back in this gloomy world, one I used to love. As we made it to the war room chatter being hard from down the hall. Great double doors closed muffled voices rumbling beyond. Nerves now taking over my body as my hands start to shake, palms feeling cold as ice. Aeids opened the door stalking in head held high as everyone stopped talking, masking how true feelings that ran through me like a rapid river. "I brought someone who needs are help and who can help us with the valg world." Adies said as his face held a misgevrious grin stepping to the side. Now realizing how small I was compared to the men in this room made painfully obvious now as tharous face pailed. The prince of the darkest part of hel, prince of the pit fell completely still with shock. The others in the room silent both of the other prince's obvious knew me and what had happened, as for the red head girl tith a star atop her chest and an angel with gray wings and a tattoo across his forehead looked completely confused. Gathering my strength I walk over to them with a cocky grace as I went to introduce myself. "Why hello, I'm Y/n since these assholes seems to forget there manors." I say extending my hand with a sweet smile. All eyes were on me I knew that but one person's I could feel most of all as tho his look was parsing my heart. "Bryce, and this is Hunt! I can tell I'm already going to like you." She said as I shake both there hands "likewise." I said now turning and see that tharus was now beside me, facing me fully as my smile faded. "Y/n.." is all he could say before he got on a knee taking my hands and pressing a soft kiss atop of them. "Get up I'm not dealing with this right now. I have my family and friends who are my main concern right now not you groveling."

They had a plan and an overwhelming army to say the least. Looking at the table with it all mapped out joy humming through me. I never liked war or killing anyone but damn if some fucked up part of her sang from the thrill it gave her. It made her hate herself more than she already had before. "Now that we are alone can I say what I want and not be so bluntly disrespected for it." Appollion said "Fine." I said still looking at the table. What could be possible want to say, he made his bed he needs to lay in it. Looking up at him for the first time since everything went down between us. Golden hair cascading down the side of his face, face stunning, body perfectly fit to the point you can see the strength just from his muscles alone let alone his power he welded. "You look devastatingly beautiful y/n more than I could remember from the thoughts of you I still dream about." He said scanning me from head to toe lingering on my eyes. "I'm flattered that out of all the horrors that you see and are I'm still the scariest." I said rolling my eyes looking back at the table trying to see if there is possibly other things we missed. Just trying to distract myself from this conversation. "Oh there no horrors in the slightest." He purred with silk like voice "Well save your breath I have a mate I don't need you trying to get in my pants I'm quite satisfied." A cold laugh rang out through the room. Before I could get away me had me turned to face him my back pressed against the table, his arms gods his massive body hovering over me as his hands propped on the side of the table are face inches away. "You really think your mate would stop me when it came down to it? That you being with him would stop me from wanting to you." He said feeling his breath trailing from my lips to my neck slowly as he spoke, my body betraying me as I shuttered from his actions. "You never loved me how he does. You used me,played me as a fool like something not even a person. YOU betrayed me! Played with my feelings told me sweet nothings and I was too stupid and in love with you to notice." I snapped pushing him back as he studied my face. "Y/n, please. I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry but i can't take that back." I started to walk away but he gently grabbed my hand when I turned to look he was on his knees. "Please Y/n please. You can think all you want, even hate my very experience but I've always loved you and I will never be able to stop. I yelled everything to you please y/n. I'd do anything no world or person would ever stop the love I have for you y/n." Appollion said crawling tell he was right in-front on me head tipping up to look as me as his hands held onto the side of my thighs. Becoming well to aware of the thin tight pants I'm wearing the hugged my curves perfectly. "Please y/n I can't live another day without you." He pleaded eyes glossy, throwback by how vulnerable he looks right now. Trying to contain myself from betraying myself I stare down at him "what do you want me to do? Forgive you? After everything?"
"Y/n please let me try and make it up to you." He said as his head still looking up at me. "Destroy the valg and astari for Bryce and then I'll decide what to do with you." I said gabbing his hands that look way to large compared to mine as I let go and walked away to leave. "I'll be back in three days, prepare yourself." Was all I said as I turned the doors into a portal to where I left seeing Gavrial racing to me in his lion form. Stepping through well aware of the dark power the rippled behind me with anger as i stepped through to Gavrial shifting and the gate closed.

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