Tonight Is Ours.

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He leaned down and kissed my neck... right below my chin. My grip over his shoulders tightened briefly, for support.

I shivered.

We were barely moving, unlike the music that surrounded us, which was riddled with swells and ebbs.

A forlorn tune full of melancholy, but the bursts of joy that slipped through were poignant, unmistakable.

I inhaled as his lips moved up, grazing my earlobe before sliding onto my lips.


He felt so... strong and steady. I entwined my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"Stop that", I giggled. He was teasingly rubbing his lower lip against mine while his hands.. oh his God damn hands..

I gasped as one hand slid down, fast, over the thin satiny chiffon of my dress and rested there, waiting. His other hand continued to play with one of my breasts, thumb flicking over my nipple.

We'd stopped moving, giving up every attempt to move to the music pulsing from the little speaker.

The pulse between us was different now.

"You're waiting ?", I managed to ask.

He never waits...

for certain things.

His chuckle was low, scratchy.

"A gentleman always waits", he mumbled.

That made no sense, but I didn't bother to scoff. I nudged his hand away from the warmth that was my pussy.

And pressed close. The bulge of his cock was hard against me. The warmth had become a scorching heat.

He growled as he pulled the sleeves of my dress down, sliding it down my shoulders.

Any residue of patience was gone as he quickly unzipped my bralette.

He squeezed my breasts mercilessly as he sucked on one of my nipples, and I was in pieces, moaning as I curled around him.

I clawed at the fabric on his back, wishing for bare skin.

He looked up at me and I started pulling his shirt off him.

He knelt down, his hands tight on my waist and I went down with him.

I straddled him and we were on the floor, heaving, with the sheen of sweat beginning to coat our bodies. The skirt of my dress had ridden up my thighs.

He gave me a devilish grin as he fingered my drenched thong.

I kissed him hungrily but he tilted his face away.

"Take your clothes off" , he said roughly.

I got onto my feet, stripping until I was wearing nothing but my own skin.

The room was lit with a couple strings of fairy lights. But there was the light of the full moon shining through the open windows and it was enough for me to see his eyes taking in the entirety of my body, lingering on my thighs pressed together at the apex.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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