Vol 2.13 Red Taming The Wolf's Heart

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(Y/n) = Your name
(L/n) = Last name
(N/n) = nickname
(F/c) = favorite color
(A/n) authors note
Italics = thinking
All caps = shouting
* = the star mark means action
——————————————————Narrator's p.o.v

A couple of days have passed since the Grimm invasion in Vale as we see Ruby in her dorm getting dressed for today as Yang helps picks out her clothes

Yang: oh, (Y/n) would love this!

Ruby: Yang, wouldn't it be easier if I picked out my own clothes?

Yang: Rubes, this is (Y/n) we are talking about, one of the hottest, most beautiful girls in school and you're going to ask out on a date

Ruby: don't say it like that Yang, it's embarrassing enough. Plus, I don't think (Y/n) even likes me

Yang: Ruby, do you really think (Y/n) doesn't like you? Sis, she's been with you since we started Beacon and she's never left your side

Ruby: well, maybe she doesn't return my feelings, then what? I'd rather not have to go through that

Yang: and if you do keep your feeling to yourself, you'll regret it later in life

Ruby: and how do you know?

Yang: Sis I've had my heart broken many of times, but I believe that (Y/n) won't chew out your heart and spit on it, it's not like her to do something like that

Ruby: if you say so, but I don't think those two go together

Ruby points at the miss matched clothes that her Sister is holding up, making Yang sigh in frustration until a thought pops into her mind

Yang: well if you can't seem to find anything to wear, let's go ask the local Coco for clothing advise

Ruby: Yang no

Yang: Yang yes!

Yang then grabs Ruby by her arm and drags her out of the room and towards the Second Year dorms to find Team CFVY's leader. Meanwhile with (Y/n) we see her sparring against Team JNPR as she dodges a sword slash from Jaune and redirects Nora's attack to smack Jaune in the back sending him skidding across the arena. (Y/n) then knocks Nora off her hammer with a palm strike to the pancake-lover's chest then uses the hammer to block Pyrrha's attacks in quick succession the transforms Magnhild into its gun mode then jumps back to create some space while firing grenades at Pyrrha, whom blocks a majority of them but still gets blasted by the ones that didn't blow up immediately on contact with the ground.

Ren then dashes at (Y/n) once the Celestial Faunus lands trying to take her by surprise which he slightly does but (Y/n) still manages to still defend herself quite quickly by transforming Magnhild into it's melee form. Ren then takes (Y/n) completely by surprise and uses StormFlower's blades to hock around Magnild's handle and forcibly remove Magnhild from Celestial Faunus' grasp then immediately starts slashing at (Y/n)

As Ren continues to attack (Y/n) but the Celestial Faunus simply dodges each attack with grace and patience until she sees a clear opening and takes it, as (Y/n) quickly disarms Ren and hits him with a palm strike making Ren see the back of his head until suddenly his vision returns to normal as he stares at the roof

(Y/n): and that's the match

Jaune: *groans as he stands up* guh, you're too good at fighting, (Y/n)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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