Chapter 21

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"No! No, no and no!"

"Mase?" Adele murmured, moving her hand over the other side of the bed. It was empty.

"I said no!" she heard again.

"What the..." she said to herself, slowly opening her eyes and checking her phone. It was almost 1 p.m. She had definitely overslept, but with the night she and Mason had had, who could blame her?

After their rendezvous on the rooftop they had gone back to the party, Rianne convincing them to have another round of shots. That had led them to the dancefloor again, where they had danced and sang with their friends until their throats hurt.

Once back at their apartment, Adele and Mason had continued with what they had been doing on the rooftop. Clothes had started flying the moment they had crossed the door, and they hadn't been able to make it to their room. When they finally did and decided it was time to have some sleep, the first rays of sunlight were starting to be visible.

"No means no! Do you hear me? No!" Mason shouted before throwing his phone on the couch.

"Mase, are you ok?" Adele asked, meeting him in the living room.

"Addie" he gasped. "Addie, I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?"

"Just a bit" she smiled.

"You look so cute right now" he chuckled, walking towards her.

"I'm slightly hungover and I feel like untangling my hair is gonna be a nightmare. How is that cute?"

"Because you are cute" he smiled, hugging her and kissing her forehead.

"I thought I was the hottest woman you had ever seen."

"That too" he laughed.

"Mase... what happened?" she asked. "Who were you yelling at?"

"It's nothing, don't worry."

"Mase... Mason. What happened?" Adele insisted, freeing herself from his embracement so she could look him in the eyes. "I thought that we could tell each other anything. That we trusted each other."

"It's just... It's... My agency" he sighed, letting himself fall on the couch.

"What did they do now?" she said, sitting next to him.

"Turns out that yesterday's party wasn't as private and exclusive as we thought, there was someone taking photos of the guests, and our photos have made it to all the headlines this morning."

"Our... photos?"

"Of us making out and being all over each other, dancing with our friends, drinking... They are saying we had a crazy and wild night full of excesses, from alcohol to sex, and maybe even drugs."


"Yeah" he sighed. "There are people saying that we left the party to go get high, but the insider who sold the photos says we left to do what we actually did."

"That's, umm... Kind of them?"

"I guess. But there is more."


"People believe you are pregnant, Addie. A pregnant woman doesn't do what you did yesterday. So you can imagine how crazy things are online, the fights people are having because of it. The believers say you weren't drinking alcohol, the non believers say you were. Then you have people hating on us because how dare we have sex and drink, that what an example we are for the young people who follow us, while others are telling them that good for us, that we should enjoy it while we can. And then there are conspiracy theorists analyzing all the photos to say it wasn't us or that we were faking everything, that couples don't kiss or touch like that. The usual with them."

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