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A few years later...

"Mase, we are gonna be late for dinner."

"We won't. C'mon."

"Can we at least walk a bit slower? You know heels aren't my thing, and on grass..."

"Then grab my arm. But c'mon, Addie. I don't want us to miss the sunset."

"It's just the sunset, Mase" she chuckled as they continued walking through the gardens of their Italian villa. Because after all the summers they had spent there, and all the things they had lived and that had made it feel like it was their second home, Mason and Adele had decided to buy it.

"Today is your birthday, Addie. Everything about it is special."

"I see... Is that the reason why you've made us all dress so fancy tonight?"

"Exactly. Only the best for the woman I love" Mason smiled, his dimple showing.

The previous year they had celebrated Adele's birthday at the beach with a big barbecue, their friends and families wearing just their swimsuits. But this year, for whatever the reason, Mason had been super picky and planned everything for everyone to the point that he had made a schedule with all the things they were going to do throughout the day. He had even booked a day just for Adele, their mums, Jourdan and Rianne, where they had gone to a spa and then to shop their outfits for the big day.

"Ok, so, umm..." Mason said when they made it to the spot he had chosen for them to watch the sunset. "Remember when I came to Italy to shoot my perfume campaign?"

"How to forget the perfume that started it all" she chuckled.

"Yeah" he smiled. "Well, half of the team was Spanish, and during lunch time we were talking about relationships and things like that, and one guy explained that in Spain to say that you've found your other half, you say you've found your media naranja."

"Your what?" she laughed.

"My Spanish sucks, ok? Don't make fun of me" he replied, sticking out his tongue. "The literal translation would be to find your half an orange."

"That's... weird."

"It actually isn't. You are half an orange, and someone else is the other half of that orange. When you meet and get together, you make an orange, you complete the other. And that reminded me of us."

"Are you calling me half an orange?"

"Addie..." he sighed. "I'm trying to be romantic and you are making fun of me."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please continue."

"Oranges have always been important to us. Our first kiss was under this very same orange tree. A perfume that smelled like oranges got us into a mess that led us to getting closer and to you falling in love with me. And it was here again, under this tree, where I confessed my feelings for you, which also led us to finally being together."

"Yeah, finally" she smiled.

"So yes, Addie" Mason said, taking her hands on his. "You are half an orange. My half an orange. And together we make the most perfect one, an orange that was always destined to be made of those two halfs, of you and I. Of us together. Like you once said years ago, we are soulmates."

"We are" she smiled.

"And because you are my soulmate, my media naranja" he said with his bad Spanish, making her laugh while letting go of her hands and getting on one knee. "Adele Antonia Turlington, would you marry me?"

"Mase" she gasped when she saw the little box on his hand, the most beautiful ring inside it. "Mase I... I... Yes."

"Yes?" he asked, his smile growing bigger by the second, his dimples showing in all their glory.

Friends, lovers... and an orangeWhere stories live. Discover now