Chapter 1

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Alex was at her brother house making a friendship bracelet with his daughter. She wanted to make one because she was going to the Eras Tours . She score some tickets for it and wanted to go and see Taylor Swift perform.

She had always had a crush on Taylor Swift but she always thought she never has a chance with a worldwide superstar . Maybe she has a chance by trying to give a friendship bracelet that she might have put her number in .

Her brother walk in Alex and his daughter doing friendship bracelets in his kitchen.

"What are you both doing" said Lucas in a teasing voice to Alex and his daughter who are in kitchen crafting bracelets in the table .

"Where making bracelets before I leave to go watch Taylor Swift perform" said Alex still making her bracelet .

"Why at my house Alex"said Lucas trying to figure out why Alex is doing it at his house .

"Because your daughter is very good at making bracelets " said Alex and patted Jasmine hair who smile at her . 

"Well I should go before I'm late to the concert" said Alex and continued saying "thank you Jasmine for the help and see you later Lucas" . Getting up from the chair and hugging Jasmine and waving to Lucas before leaving his house .

Alex headed to the stadium when she got there she saw some swiftie wearing nice costumes and she thought they were cool . Then she went to the vip tent where she was going to watch the show .

Alex was waiting when Gracie Abrams came out to open the show . Alex was enjoying it before Taylor comes out . Then Taylor comes out she saw how beautiful she was . She was enjoying her time watching Taylor perform. She was singing and dancing to all of her songs and having a blast being there .

At last the show is over and she leaving the vip tent when someone called her she turn around and saw one of the security dude gesturing her to come over .

"You're Alex Martinez would you like to meet Taylor Swift " Security told Alex

"Yeah I love to" Alex say to the security

She was nervous she was going to meet Taylor Swift . She was holding the bracelet already on her hand to give to Taylor . The security guard told her to wait here, so that what she did .

She waited until the security say being very apologetic " sorry everyone but Taylor can't meet tonight she has to save her voice" 

Alex was devastated when she heard  that but she knew Taylor has to rest after a three hours  of her shows and understood. So she left the stadium and headed home . She still had the bracelet that was now wrapped around her wrist that she was going to give Taylor but now she can't.

She got home and took off the bracelet and put it somewhere safe if there might be a next time she will have a chance to give to Taylor Swift  the bracelet she had made .

The next day her brother call her to do a podcast video today, so she was going right now . Her and her brother do a podcast where they share their experiences about their acting career or stories about themself .

Alex arrives to her brother house open the door from the extra key she got from her brother if there was an emergency. She went in the podcast room where Lucas was already there setting everything up .

"Hi Alex ready to do this" said Lucas sitting down on the chair .

"Yeah let go" said Alex following Lucas and sitting down .

They both started their podcast by talking about what new movies they're doing or going to be in and others things . Then her brother started to talk about how the Eras Tour went .

"I know you went to the Eras Tour because you and Jasmine were making so much bracelets in my kitchen table" said Lucas

"Yeah I went to her show it was phenomenal and it was crazy like she made everything very enjoyable" said Alex remembering everything.

"Did you give Taylor your friendship bracelet that had your number on it Alex" Lucas said to Alex teasing her

"Um No she couldn't meet people because she was resting her voice I was disappointed about it but I knew she was very tired from the show" said Alex

"So you didn't give her your number to her" said Lucas

"No" said Alex and then finishing the podcast with her brother who was laughing at her response.

Lucas and Alex were hanging out until Lucas wife came back with their daughter who was skipping around in the house  and saw that Alex was here .

"Auntie Alex you're here" said Jasmine running towards to Alex and hugging her tight .

"Hello Jasmine" said Alex hugging Jasmine back and look up and saw Lucas wife Emilia looking at her too with a smile on her face .

"And hello to you Emilia" said Alex and getting up and hugging Emilia .

"Hi Alex"said Emilia missing Alex who been away from her work and hugging her back .

Everyone was in the living room catching up on things . When Alex felt a nudge on her shoulder so she turn and saw Emilia looking at her with her eyes brows raised .

"What"Alex said to Emilia trying to figure out what Emilia wants.

"I remember that Lucas told me you went to watch Taylor Swift show how was it" said Emilia teasing Alex knowing she has a crush on her .

"It was good Taylor was just incredible and the show was fantastic" Alex gushing about Taylor and her show .

Emilia seeing this went to tease her more "did you give Taylor your bracelet that had your number" .

"Um no she couldn't meet people that day"said Alex in a more sad tone who really wanted to give her bracelet and her number .

"Oh maybe next time"said Emilia patted her back seeing how Alex mood went down when she couldn't meet her .

"Yeah next time"said Alex trying to change the subject.

Alex and Emilia talk about others things while Lucas put Jasmine to bed who was already sleeping. Alex got up and started to get up so she can rest .

"Bye Emilia see you soon and tell Jasmine that we will hangout soon" said Alex waving at Emilia who gave her a nod and a thumbs up before Alex left the house .

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