Chapter 3

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Taylor was more nervous than anything it been some couple weeks and she was getting ready to have dinner with Alex .She felt something like never before it been a long time since she felt like this before .

She was on her way to meet Alex in her home which made her feel more nervous . She felt very excited to finally meet this girl who she been messaging for like two weeks. 

The plans for dinner was that they meet up and enjoy themselves and see if anything else comes up . She worry about their tight schedules and how busy they were going to be . She wanted this to work and  maybe carry this more in a more person setting where they have no interruptions or other people that may distract them .

Her security pull up to the Alex house . Taylor took a big breath .

This is it I'm doing this again after all the heartbreaks . To see if there is something there . It just dinner nothing could go wrong on less it could . Stop thinking about the worse outcome and enjoy yourself.

Taylor nodded with her pep-talk with herself . She looked at Alex house was surprise on how simple and homely it was . She thought it would be one of those famous people who get mansions. It very different from others and she likes that about her . 

She never wanted to be in a place where she can't relax and be herself , but right now she felt like she could do both here . She felt a sense of peace that radiates through the house. 

The car stop and Taylor shook off her nerves . She unclipped the seatbelt . She then looked at her two security guard .

"I let you know when I'm ready to leave might be a while" she say .Both of the men's turn to face her . She continued " if you need me just knock on the door if not an emergency. I'm not going to use my phone tonight let the other team know" .

Yes ma'am said one of the security guards.

"Just called me Taylor" said Taylor always trying get her security to called her Taylor .

"It would always be ma'am" said the security guard who the other one also nodded.

"Alright then" she sighed but smile "see you later"

Then Taylor exited the car . Headed to Alex front door . Alex who was in the other side of door she heard that Taylor had arrived and she was super nervous about this dinner and meeting Taylor.

The knock on door happened and she was eager on how quickly she open the door and there she stood on her doorstep with her bright blue eyes with a smile that could bright your day . Her curls that she had always love and her signature red lips . A black miniskirt and a white crop top with some leather black boots . All she could think was ...

"You're beautiful" Alex said being star stuck from how magnificent Taylor was .

Alex face flushed on what had she said and try to recover .

"Hi Taylor I'm Alex and nice to meet you in person. Please come in" 

Taylor laughed on how Alex was trying to recover after she was telling her how beautiful she was . She loved how Alex got little shy and she loved that about her .

"Hi" Taylor said as she stepped in the house in the house . "It's nice to meet you" she said.

Alex pull out the black and white bracelet from her pocket and give it to her .

Taylor grinned when she saw the bracelet that was in her palm and saw the numbers on it . She raised eyebrows teasing. Took out her phone and put the numbers in and send a text .

Alex was just watching everything and she was happy that she finally got her chance and loved how Taylor was teasing her bit .

Alex phone buzzed and she pull out her phone to check the message.

Unknown: It beautiful , thank you and also you are very stunning tonight.

Alex immediately save the number in her contacts and look up to Taylor and send her a smile .

"Thank you, love" said Alex and gesture her to the living room . "Do you want some wine with the food" .

"I love one" said Taylor already in the living room looking at the picture hanging in her living room .

"What for dinner tonight" said Taylor her eyes still trained in the picture.

" Cook some rigatoni, hope you enjoy it" said Alex still little nervous about Taylor in her house .

"This so good I might hired you" said Taylor which that made Alex laughed .

Both of them were enjoying their dinner and talking about their careers and others things . Taylor loved how Alex would ramble a lot and do gestures with her hands while talking . It cute on how Alex would sometimes pronounce word wrongs from her accent she had .

"I heard that you have sight accent" Taylor interrupted her from her ramble .

"Oh both of my parents are Mexicans and when I was little I always spoke Spanish which made it hard,to pronounce words that are difficult to say". Alex told Taylor about her accent that you can slightly heard .

Taylor was laughing at something Alex said on how her and her brother would always get in trouble by their mother by  always fighting with each others and telling on each other to get the other one in trouble .

"Me and my brother always like to beat each other so our mom put us in sports to take that aggression on the field" Alex said pointing out on how she play sports when she was young .

"Did it work"Taylor said intrigued about the story Alex was telling.

"Yeah me and my brother play soccer since we're little until high school. It was fun for while but we both wanted to something else" said Alex smiling.

"You played soccer I never guess that"said Taylor very surprise about her playing soccer .

"I know but it was fine me and my brother would team up and use that advantage with our family" Alex told Taylor .

They kept talking about other things and learning more about each other more . Alex likes how Taylor would listen to her and pay attention to everything she had to say which she likes . There were enjoying their time together that they forgot the time .  Until Taylor was getting really tired and Alex noticed this .

"You look very tired you should get some rest" Alex said worrying and caring for to get some rest .

Taylor sighed she didn't want to leave she was enjoying her time,but she knew she would fall asleep very soon .

"Your probably right, I had a great time with you tonight" she said softly "thank you for having me"

Alex eyes lit up and help her get up and walk close   by her side and to the front door . 

"I also had fun with you tonight. Thank you for taking your time and come out to see me" she paused " I would like to see you again"

She look up at her " I would like that, next time we have dinner at my place and you do the cooking on how good you are at making food" she teased her .

"That sound good I be your personal chef" she joked and she got quiet and smiled down at her " can I kiss you"

Taylor heartbeat speed up and she couldn't hold off her smile

"Yes" she agreed

Alex place her hands gently on Taylor face . She bent down and kiss her softly . When their lips touched Alex knew she wanted more, but she knew it was the fist kiss so she kept it gentle . After moment she pulled back and smile at her .

"Good night Taylor"

Taylor open her eyes staring at those hazel eyes and smile at her .

"Good night Alex"

Taylor went to the street where her car was in got in . When the car travel down further away from the house Taylor was going through on how gentle and caring Alex was about her . She lay her head at the back of the seat and thought about the kiss . She really hope they get to kiss again . 

Alex was still smiling and went inside . She had never experienced a woman who made her nervous and bold to kiss her on the first date . She likes spending time with her, talking to her . She finally got her chance with Taylor .

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