Chapter 6

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Few days later Alex was went back to film her movie . Taylor had also been busy by recordings songs . While returning to her apartment from the studio she got a call . She looked down and smiled widely when she saw Alex name come up on the screen. 

"Hey, Alex how was filming"

Taylor moved into the living room sitting down in the couch . She spent hours recording that she felt very drained from her recording session and just wanted to relax.

"Hi Tay"

Alex left out a muffled groan and Taylor paused and her eyebrows furrowed .

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" She asked suspiciously

"I'll be fine, but I pick up a injury while filming" She admitted " I landed wrong while during a stunt shoot" she scoffed 

"What" Taylor said being worry for Alex "Did you go to the doctors? "What they said?"

"They said it left a bruise and it nothing major to worry about"Alex said

"I'm so sorry Alex" Taylor sighed

"It fine the bruise we'll heal soon I been up to good" Alex said

"Hey I hate to ruin our time but I have one more scene to shoot I face-time you later" Alex said

"Don't stress about Alex finish your scene but be careful with your leg and I be waiting for you to face-time me" Taylor said

"Alright see you later Tay" Alex said ending the call with Taylor

Taylor put her phone on the table in the living room and sighed looking up at her ceiling.

"I haven't been this worried about a person who am seeing . I don't know how to handle it"

Alex had just finished filming and was headed to back to her hotel. Her leg seems more fine than few hours ago. She knew that doing a stunt would cause something like this . She still did it which left her a bruise it could have been so much worse . 

Thinking back on her call with Taylor she didn't know that Taylor would care so much about her. Mostly people would brush it off and just say be careful but with Taylor she could heard her worry through the phone .

Alex went inside her room and got some water to drink and took out her phone placed it on the counter of bathroom. She went to her contact and look for Taylor name and press it face timing her . While she waiting she started to undressed her clothes and started to changed her clothes .

When Alex was changing she didn't know that Taylor was watching her through the phone . Taylor from the other side saw how toned and muscular she was . Taylor face got red when she look down and saw bulge on her underwear. She looked away trying to get the image away .

"Taylor are you ok" Alex said her eyebrows furrowed looking at at Taylor

"Yeah.." Taylor said clearing her throat and look back at her screen seeing that Alex had change to her pj and was now laying in the bed looking at her .

"How was filming I hope you didn't put too much pressure on her leg" Taylor said changing the subject and also checking on Alex .

"It was good and also was careful on my leg" Alex said he eyes softened on Taylor being worried about her

"Don't you have scenes tomorrow?" Taylor questioned Alex

"Umm.. No I have the whole week off we finished everything that we needed to film,why?" Alex ask confused on why Taylor is asking her

"You won't mind if went there to spend time with the you?"Taylor ask being shy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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