• chapter three •

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All that was heard among the truck was the faint sound of the radio and the wind slowing around the truck as they made it to their stop. Bella being the first to get out and stomp off mumbling something about an 'attention whore'.

Amari knew her older sister despised her, it was obvious. However, the girl could never figure out why she was so disliked. Amari constantly tried her hardest to please Bella, her attempts never succeeded.

Taking in her surroundings Amari see's a large group of tan men, some rough housing and others sitting by the fire. There were 2 familiar faces among the group the 2 being noticeably older as-well; not being able to place their faces Amari begins to let her thoughts wander, some being about the closeness of her and a certain russet skinned boy in the truck. The warmth of a hand on the small of her back being what drew her out of her thoughts making her blush feeling like she'd been caught in the act of doing something she wasn't supposed to.

"How bout' i make you a s'more to cheer you up huh?" looking up Amari is met by the deep chocolate eyes which made her extremely nervous. knowing her words will betray her she lets out a small but noticeable nod and waits for the man to begin walking.

What she didn't expect was to have her hand grabbed as she was guided to the fire. She also didn't expect to be picked up and sat on the lap she'd already sat on once today.

"Jake?" The small voice is what made him stop his useless conversation with one of the pack members.
"Amari?" he teased. the sound of her name coming from his mouth made her tingle. rubbing her thighs together due to the feeling she looks back up to him and asks the question she's been wandering all night .

"why did you invite me?"

———— Jake's POV ————

"why did you invite me?" i wasn't sure how to answer this question without making it too obvious i was doing it for my own selfishness. I didn't care about how Bella felt, I didn't care if her and Bella had bonding time together; i did this for me. I wanted her so badly.

I'd only met her yesterday yet my body screamed for me to be around her, claim her, protect her. so that's why at 3am i found myself circling the swan residence begging for someone or something to get to close.

"i wanted to be around you." I wasn't going to lie to her and say some bullshit excuse 'Bella needs you' . i analyze her face and all i see is confusion. could she honestly not tell i was attracted to her.

letting out a sigh i grip her sides and turn her around to face me, that way she wasn't straining her neck to look over her shoulder at me. also because the feeling of her straddling my neck made my wolf purr in satisfaction.

"look at me Amari". and with that those pretty green eyes are staring right into mine. "i want to get to know you. i like you, however, we just met yesterday so i want to take things slow. understand?" her face is flushed, making it obvious she's not used to this sort of thing. i watch as she nods then wets her lips as she's about to say something.

As i look at her puffy lips i begin to wonder what they'd feel like wrapped around me.

"Jake?" I nod. "i think your keys are poking me." her words make me smirk. I quickly adjust then turn her back around before whispering in her ear.

                  ———— Amari's POV ————

"that's not my keys baby". I'm confused then what is it? Deciding not to worry about it i sit back in jake's lap trying to get as much body heat from him as i can, he's very warm so i know he has some to spare . i look around and notice everyone else by the water including Bella, leaving me and Jake to be the only ones by the fire .

As i watch Jake hold my marshmallow over the fire i feel that pokey thing again this time it being right against my privates making me tingle. google told me last night that it meant i was turned on if i got that feeling. I move around again missing the feeling, however this time the feelings much stronger making me let out a little squeak.

A few months ago mom explained to me a few things about how our bodies work but not so much. My mom and dad never told me much, believing my innocent mind shouldn't be tainted, or something like that. So i left the subject be; however, not too long ago i took to the internet to learn about my curiosities. but after seeing one too many scarring images i'd clicked off the website after no longer than 10 minutes.

"don't move so much baby" thinking i was hurting him i let out a quick sorry before focusing on the fire once again however i can't help it and i start moving against his lap once again making the tingling even stronger.

I couldn't help it, it made me so good. I even started to make noises i've never made before, they unwillingly came out.  i wonder if this is how the women in the videos felt.


Fuck, was this really happening. Amari was sitting on my lap grinding against my hard on. her head was thrown back against my shoulder and her eyes were squeezed tight. I was doing a good job a restraining my self until she let out the most desperate whimper ever.

fuck it. all that bullshit i said about going slow being thrown out the window as i hoisted her over my shoulder and made my way to my truck. her as being perfectly poked out beside my head.

now i know it sounds like my plan was to just take her home and fuck her senseless but it wasn't.

"w-where are we going?" I tell her that I'm taking her to my house, and i'll explain everything there. "but- w-what about bella?" she stutters.

"Bella will get a ride home sweetheart. For now why don't you use that pretty little mouth of yours and explain what you were doin' on my lap?" at that she blushes.

"i-i'm so-sorry i just- it- it just felt so good and i had this tingly feeling in my belly-" i felt my dick pulse at her words. " ahh, so you were trying to use me to get off huh?" i watch as her face reddens and she squeezes her thighs together for some much needed friction.

"it's alright baby, don't be shy i'll help you all you want. first though we need to talk."


Word count: 1,203

Authors note- oop! shorter chapter sorry needed to leave a lil cliffhanger? slow burn? never heard of her ! if you guys see any mistakes in any chapter pls point them out ! thx!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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