• chapter two •

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Love. That was the only way to describe the look in Jacobs eyes as he looked at the girl. As he stared into her eyes he saw their wedding, them play fighting in bed, she and his wolf together on the beach; it was perfect in the most simplistic way, she was perfect.

Looking back in Jacobs eyes Amari didn't necessarily see anything but the feeling of wanting to run into him arms and never leave was so strong that she almost did. They continued to stare at each other , until Bella as usual made things about herself.

"What are you even doing here, I don't need you to be up my ass to feel better" . Bella's words were harsh, and as soon as she said them she smirked and looked over at Jacob for some type of validation only to find him glaring at her. If looks could kill she'd be a goner.

How dare she talk to his mate like that. " Bella," Just saying her name was like venom on his tongue now that he'd met his imprint; he wanted nothing to do with the older swan, but in order to get close with his imprint he needs to be nice to her for a little longer. " Be nice she hasn't done anything wrong." Looking away from the brunette and back to his imprint he notices her playing with the hem of her shirt. He made her nervous.

"n-no it's ok, i'm sorry Isabella mommy told me i had to come here so she could have grown up time with Phil." Letting her eyes wonder once again they find the muscular boy. Already looking at her he smirks and keeps eye contact as he takes three long strides to get right in front of her.

" Jacob Black, i'm Bella's friend." He was watching her as he spoke, so when he noticed her lips twitch into a frown when he said he was Bella's friend confusion absorbed him. "Amari Swan, Isabella's sister." her big green eyes looked up at him in the most innocent way. Feeling his pants tighten at just the sight of her he figures he'd better stop staring.

"Nice to meet you Amari, maybe you can hang with me and bells sometime." Bella was livid. Amari always had that affect on people and it drove her nuts. She had tried to copy Amaris ways by acting shy, and sweet but it never worked only a few fell for the act.

"Jake," The boy was NOT surprised at Bella's whining he knew it was bound to happen. " I thought you were gonna make me feel better?" she pouts.

Jacob saw straight through the act, Bella could care less about him she just wanted to make her sister sad. Bella was a very selfish girl she always wanted to feel wanted or loved so to do that she had to do some not so nice things. One of those things being leading her best-friend on knowing she has zero romantic feelings for him.

"I am Bells, sorry Amari maybe another time". Thinking she'd won the mini argument Bella attempted to flirt by smirking creepily and saying "Bye jakey see you tomorrow at sams!" and running inside.

Turning his attention back to the girl that was looking up at him with those pretty green eyes he walked close, so close he could feel her hardened nipples poking through her soaking shirt straight into his chest. If only she knew what she was doing to him. That innocent look on her face made him want to devour her, but savor her at the same time.

With a dark look in his eyes he looks down at the girl and almost moans at the sight. Those pretty lips of hers were turned into the cutest little pout. "My numbers in your phone, i'll text you later princess you better reply." Being bold he kisses her forehead then runs off with a huge grin on his face.

Amari was very confused. Male attention was something foreign to her. Yeah people found her attractive but she was much too naive to understand so they usually gave up. Jacob, however, was different, he would not give up he wanted her so he was going to get her, not that'd she put up a fight.

When she saw Jake she got an odd feeling, multiple odd feelings actually but the one she noticed was the one she was most confused about. First of all her undies felt oddly wet but she brushed that off as the rain,  but what she couldn't explain was the odd aching and tingling in her princess parts.

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