Chapter Six: Interview Preparation

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Sirius wakes up to a knock on his door, and he can tell it's early because he has to fight the desire to groan and shove his head underneath his pillow to hide away from whoever is trying to drag him to the land of the living before it's time. His sweet oblivion; he misses it already. He can almost feel himself sinking right back into it, eyes drifting shut again as—

Knock, knock, knock.

Muffling a growl under his breath, Sirius tumbles out of bed with one eye squinting as he snarls,

"What the fuck do you want? It's too fucking early to be—"

Sirius promptly swallows the rest of his words when he opens his door to find Remus standing on the other side, a mild expression on his face. Sirius tries to fix his face into something that's not just squinting at him with one eye like a deranged lunatic.

"Remus, hi," Sirius greets weakly, regretting the last five seconds more than he's regretted anything in his life, and he's actually murdered people.

"Good morning, Sirius," Remus says calmly. "Pandora asked that I would wake you up, as you apparently requested an early start to the day."

Sirius grimaces. "Yeah, well, Sirius of the past is a prick, and I don't like him." This makes Remus' lips twitch, but his expression remains fairly neutral otherwise. "Sorry about—you didn't have to do that. You're not an alarm clock. You could have told her no."

"I didn't mind," Remus murmurs. "It got me out of making breakfast. Pandora said everyone knew how to use the toaster, and the day would be so busy that a big breakfast would just hold up the schedule."

"It's—yeah, it's going to be a busy day," Sirius admits wearily, heaving a sigh as he runs his hand through his hair. It's likely sticking up in all different directions, but he tries not to focus on the fact that Remus can see it. "We have to get James and Regulus ready for their interviews tomorrow. It's —well, if I'm completely honest with you, it's going to be difficult."

"Regulus?" Remus asks, because he's spent four days around him by now, and that's all it really takes to know that Regulus isn't the best conversationalist.

"Regulus," Sirius confirms with a sigh.

Remus hums. "I don't suspect James will be much of a problem."

"No, I think his interview will cause the least drama, honestly," Sirius admits. "Regulus... Well, my hopes aren't high, if I'm honest, and we had a fight yesterday, so... And then they have to go be fitted for their outfits with their stylist team while I have to go to a fucking party and smooze at sponsors."

"I have to work that party," Remus tells him.

Sirius blinks. "Oh. So, you'll be there?"

"Yes," Remus says. He pauses, slowly lifting his eyebrows at him. "You—you can't talk to me, Sirius. Or remove my mask. Or have anything to do with me there, really. I mean, I'm sure you know that, but...just a reminder."

"Right, no, I know," Sirius replies quickly, despite the fact that his brain was already coming up with increasingly ridiculous scenarios involving literally all of those things. But that's not how it works in the Hallow. He does that, and Remus would be killed. "But, well, I can look at you."

"You...can," Remus agrees, lips curling up. "I suppose that's not a crime."

"That'll be enough to improve my night," Sirius admits, because it's true, and he's so pleased he said it when Remus' smile grows.

Remus hums and looks away, his side profile still giving away the smile on his face. He can't hide it at all. "Right, well, I suppose I should leave you to...starting your day."

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