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Faisal came outside.

Everybody was present there.

What the fuck is going between you two haan?  Jahaan pushed him. He stumbled a little. Jahaan again pushed him. How dare you to cross your lines haan ?

I'm sure he manipulated my daughter. He took advantage of her showing fake love, Arham said, gritting his teeth in anger.

His eyes turned red and he looked directly into arham eyes but he knew that he can't disrespect the man standing in front of him not just because he is jannat's father, he is older than him, he knows his limits, and he always adore him and also received so much love and appreciation from his side.

He sighed and rubbed his temple.

I know uncle you're not in your right senses , in fact everybody but I insist you all to wait till jannat gets discharged from here the day she'll be at home I'll explain each and everything to you guys , he said ambling outside.

He didn't let anyone speak anything else.

Ibrahim came in front of arham and squeezed his shoulder lightly.

You know him very well. You think that he can do anything bad to Gudiya ?

Arham shook his head in no.

I have always loved him, believed him but that doesn't change the truth that he hid such a big thing from us.

Fazeela left from there followed my Ibrahim and mahira, to prepare food for everyone, Iqra too left from there (agam silently followed his wife).

Rubia was sitting inside with jannat.

Only Jahaan was sitting there with his father. Both were fighting a battle they just can't see their princess in pain and now getting to know about her relationship, everything is just messed up.

Papa, aap ghar jaye I'll stay here with princess. Jahaan said.

No,I will be here with her, you should go home and take rest.

Maa he called her mother.

Haan bache.

Maa you and papa go home and take rest . I'll stay here with princess and you both can come in the morning.

No you'll not be able to handle her alone,she shook her head.

I can maa and you know na that idiot will also come.

Her mother raised her brows amused by his son's thought .

If he will come here then I'm not going back Arham said.

You know papa I know him more than anyone else and I'm 100% sure he went to the nearby masjid and he will be here in a few minutes and if you will not let him meet her then he will sit here for hours and you know he can do anything , jahaan explained his father.

So you think that I'm afraid of him? Arham said in an irritated tone.

Not at all but he is very stubborn specially for his loved ones.

You're taking his side, did you already accepted him?Arham asked in shock.

Jahaan shrugged his shoulders.

He is my best friend and she is my sister and I don't think that any other man can take good care of her more than him but he needs to learn a lesson, he smirked.

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