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Taehyung 's pov.

We were performing busan when I saw Kookie was about to fall down I holded him and went with him changing room

Tae:my love wake up are you okay

Manager:tae stop calling him sweet names wrong if fans hear you go on stage I will call the doctor

Tae:my bby is not feeling well and you are worried of fans???am not going anywhere at all
Manager:if you don't Kookie will die yes I drugged him and if you don't do as I say it will be your fault he will die ,just go perform and tomorrow accept to go a date with jenine

I was so helpless I can't let my bby die

Okay but if my Kookie won't wake up I will be mad at you and kill you I swear

I went inside and jimin calmed me down

We finished performing and I run inside to see Kookie opening his eyes and I kissed him not to sy anything

Kookie:Ii I....

Tae:sssh bby take some rest okay everything will be okay

We went home and I don't know how to tell him tomorrow I will go a date with jenine

I was thinking when I saw a txt from Manager

Manager:tomorrow 8am you will go the date and don't tell anyone

Fuck he is insane now

It was in the morning I woke up earlier prepared myself and went as Manager told me I arrived at the hotel to see jenine running to me and hugging me like am his husband I fucking hate her

We took tea when I saw reporters taking our pictures and videos

We finished the stupid date and I went back to see all the members were mad at me and kookie was not there

I went to my room to see him seated on the corner crying
I run to hug him wen he pushed me

Tae:sorry my love I have to do this for you

Kookie:you are so selfish just admit you love her why are you hurting me like this you could have told me than letting me find online how happy you are

Tae:am sorry bby please calm down we talk

Kookie:let's end our relationship you have her she will give you kids, love and everything

Tae:shut up Kookie we are not going to break up I went this date because am fucking saving your life

Kookie:you are so selfish I hate you just leave me alone

I run outside not to cry

Rm:I can't believe you went on a date with that bitch now you love her???
I can't believe all of you can think low of me like this it hurts alot,,, I wear my mask and took a tax I need to calm down

I went to hotel of my best friend Chanyeol and took a shower and slept I need to calm down before I talk to anyone thinking of Kookie want us to separate it drives me crazy when from my heart I love him wholehearted

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