7: Who heard Marjorie and reece!!

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Reece turns around as Marjorie stands staring "Mia!!!!" Reece exclaims as Mia was stood there with a smirk "how much of that did you hear...." He says as Mia smirks at them "I heard enough" She says still holding her smirk as Marjorie and Reece look at each other "so you two are having a little baby together!!!" Mia says sarcastically smiling and rolls her eyes
"yeah... but I swear if you tell anyone!!!" Marjorie exclaims angrily "woahhhh calm down dont wanna damage them claws Marjorie" Mia says sarcastically with a smirk  as Reece rolls his eyes "okay mia we get it what do we need to do to get you to keep your mouth shut" Reece says as he knew she wouldn't keep quiet without some sort of deal "oh reecey i cant believe you still think of me like that.... ive changed" exclaims Mia sarcastically as Reece rolls his eyes "oh right yeah okay" he says as he wasn't convinced and he knew she was lying

Reece shakes is head while holding marjories hand "Mia I swear if you tell anyone about this that's a whole new low even for you" he says as he knows she would go around telling everyone...
Mia rolls her eyes "okay first off i can't believe youd think I'd do that " she says a little hurt "oh really remember in school when that girl in our class Diana was pregnant and you went around the whole school blurting it out to the point she had to leave" Reece says as Mia just stands there in shock as she didn't know he still remembered that....
Mia sighs "okay yeah back then maybe I would've done it yeah cause I was a tiny bit mean but I have changed Reece im being a better person for my forever person that's stood out there..." Mia replies as she stands with a teeny smile and Reece and marj look at her in shock "forever person" marjoie exclaims as Mia sighs "you called char your forever person" marjoie repeats as she goes all teary eyed as Mia rolls her eyes "yes I did but this isn't about me and char is it" Mia exclaims as marj sighs and Reece smiles at her "this is about you and Reece and that kid in there" Mia exclaims as she rolls her eyes in anger clearly something was bothering her "alright I was just saying how cute it is" marjoie replies as Reece could tell there was something wrong with Mia as that was not like her at all and she was a lot snappier than usual....

"Mia??" Reece exclaims as he knew exactly what was wrong.... "Is this about??" He asks as her and Mia interrupts quickly before he could finish "don't you dare bring that up okay!!! I told you I want to forget and Charlotte cannot know!!!" she says as she turns away and Marjorie looks at Reece all confused "what's going on..." Marj asks "what are you both talking about what's happened" she says as Reece sighs and turns to Marjorie as she looked puzzled

Reece takes a breath and sighs "we... erm..."
He says trying to find the words
"we had a kid together...." Reece says to Marjorie's she stands in shock "y- you and Mia had a kid...." Marjorie says in shock "y- yeah erm... back in high school.... Mia she erm.... She got pregnant but erm...." Reece says in a soft voice "we lost it..." he says to her not trying to get upset as marj stands there in even more shock

Mia rolls her eyes " can we PLEASE stop talking about this now" she shouts as she turns around "I won't say a single thing about marjoie being pregnant!!!!" Mia shouts as they then hear the door open a little bit and turn to realise someone else had heard everything Mia reece and Marjorie were talking about including Marjorie being pregnant and Mia's miscarriage....
"what was that" Mia asks "I- I don't know" Reece replied "do you recon they heard us" Marjorie adds as they all look at each other and walk and enter back into the party looking at every single person there.....

- Carly
- Sorsha
- Eric
- Agatha
- Cloudgah
- Charlotte
- Siobhan
- Rodger
- autumn
- winter

Were all in the room together as Mia reece and Marjorie look around the room
Who was stood at the door
Who do you think heard tbem....
Will Mia Reece and marj find the person that heard everything in time....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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