chapter 3 - one on one

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"What the fuck?" I turn the sink off and smirk to myself in the mirror.

She's finally awake.

I take a towel and walk towards the cell. Walking in I'm met with a head hanging low yet analyzing her surroundings, probably looking for a way to escape.

"DO you know why you're here, Bella Heldaze?" I ask, changing my tone at her name causing her to scoff, her eyes finally meeting mine. Not in the romantic way. If looks can kill you'd be not six but ten feet under, buddy.

"Please, what are we? In 9th grade role-playing principle dealing with a misbehaving student? And yes. I'm suffering my consequences for not spilling your blood." She rolls her eyes at me.

"Well you kind off did." I smirk at her, trying to push away the dirty thoughts away. I blame it all on the little bitch in my head that lu caused.

(Lu is luciellas nickname)

I can tell she also realized her words because she rolled her lips together but quickly punched it away. "Not properly. If you can use your brain to tell." She says in a 'duhh' tone while pointing her eyes at me. I think she would've used her hand if she wasn't chained up.

She's like a sassy toddler what the fuck?

"Enough talking, let's get to the fun." I say walking over to one of the torture shelfs. If she was scared, she sure as fucking hell did know how to hide it.

I pick up a small balanced knife and walk over to her, I walk around her, circling her.

"What's your newest plan?" I ask in a demanding manner. "Fuck you, you're not getting anything out of me." She gritted out.

I furrow my brows but there was a smirk playing on my face, my eyes analyzing her, trying to read her. But i can tell she was also into studying psychology, she can hide her emotions, her facial expressions. Making her look... Dull, lifeless and dead. Yet she still makes it look good.

"I will only ask once more, bella. What are your fucking plans?" I spit out through gritted teeth while i trace the knife on her cheek, not hard enough to bleed, but still cutting and damaging the skin lightly.

She doesn't even fling. I hate when people dont have reactions and dont show the pain while i fucking take the life out of them.

Bella pov:

I grit my teeth when i feel the fucking knife inside my left thigh, still careful to not show any emotion or sign of pain. I couldn't give him that satisfaction. Never.

Not even over my hot dead body.

Stop flattering your scarred from all the missions ass mid body, bitch.

Okay, ouch.

I get pulled back into reality when he twists the knife around. Shit, that hurts. It hurts but i won't even move. Nuh uh. Instead i fist my fists through the chains. And try to distract myself with the game "one marshmallow." And "beers on the wall"

The stubbornness in family Heldaze is wilddd

Fuck off, consy.

He took the knife out and stabbed me in my stomach, then slowly twisted the knife and took it out again. Stabbing me once more.

He then walked behind me, so that his face was facing my back. He stops there and slides my shirt up a bit. He then takes the knife and starts carving something into my back.

He kept going on for a while but i ended up zoning out, not that i was complaining. It was better that way. I do find pain quite nice, but im not immune to it. And even though its nice it still hurts. Feels good, but hurts bad. If that makes sense.

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