Be a doll

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Jennies getting better. She's finally recovering.
I think it's almost time. We have been together for 6 years, it feels like yesterday. July 6, 2007, sparks flew that day. I can't get the fact that she might become my wife.

Jennie Winchester.


I am outside of Sams door lol. He's thinking out loud about the most exciting thing. He is going to purpose. I'm so excited to have her be my sister.

It's about time Sammy!


I'm feeling better now, like good as new. Finally. I can't stand Sam this way. I just can't bare it. I hate it when he is upset.

"Hey Sammy?" He jumped and turned away and I heard something close. Hmm. He's weird.
"What's up? And why are you scared?" I said curiously. "Oh nothing! It just surprised me that you are out of crutches so fast. I'm happy your recovered babe.


She always saw it.
I feel like she saw it. But sat the same time I don't because according to Jennie I have "reflexes of a cat" so. *brushes off shoulders*

Two days later


I'm about to ask the love of my life to marry me. And I have the perfect idea.

"hey Jennie! It's time for that party!"

"Oh yeah that's right! I can't wait! Where did you say it was again?

"A closed movie theatre!" I said

"Oh yeah! That sounds fun! How many people?"

"Me you and two other people supposively." * pretends to get text*

"Oh. The two people canceled. I just it's just me and you!"

"Still sounds fun!"

I open the door for her and get into the drivers seat.


Dean: congratulations, man. And great set up. I'm very happy for you Sammy. Break a leg man.

Sam: thanks. I hope this goes well!

Dean: me too. Go get her sammy.


I open the door for her and walk her into the empty theatre. The certain are closed on the stage, and there's a small computer. With a document camera

"Here goes nothing." I say to my self.

I walk over to the laptop and play a video that's opens the curtains and plays the video .

It's a video of me. It says "hi jennie. Today, I have a feeling you know what is gonna happen. And today, your life is going to change, forever. Jennie, I love you so much. And I dont know how many times I've said that, but it will never get old to me. Jennie, I want to spend eternity with you. Your my soul mate. We are best friends. I know I'm a little harsh sometimes but it's for mine and your own good. But I love you. Now, follow me. And I'll lead you to paradise."

She was crying from what I could tell. I take her hand and lead her to the stage, leased by little rose petals, and there is a chair surrounded by a heart of rose petals. I lead her to the chair and I go Ingrid of her and bend down.

I start to cry a little, but water wot stop me. I pull out the small purple box shaped as a heart and open it to her eyes. She put her hand infront of her face and starts to cry happy tears and so do I "Jennie, I want to spend the rest of the life with you. Jennie, be a doll and marry me?

She removed her hands from her face and stood up and said " I love you so much. Of course I'll marry you Winchester!" I picked her up and spun her around. I put her down and shakily placed the ring on her ring finger.

WOAH. It's offical! She's now Jennie Winchester!!!!! WOOHOO!

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