Home sweet home

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A/n btw I made that picture 😂 quick authors note. Lol


Jennie came home with chastity yesterday. Her room was beautiful. It was purple and there was a princess castle painted on the wall. SO MANY TOYS.

Chastity manages to go to sleep very quickly. It's quite cute actually.

9 months later

"HUNT!!" Chastity screamed. It was the only word she knew. Damn it, I didn't want her to ever know what that word even was until she atleast 7.

It was hard to sleep at night knowing that my baby girl could become a hunter. She could be killed.

What was I thinking? She would always be in my site, no natter what.

"Jennie! I'm home!" Sam yelled. I said nothing. I just sat in silence, caught in another bad day dream. "Jennie? JENNIE!!" He yelled, sounding worried. He tried to open my door but it was locked. I just sat there. I didn't want to do that, but had to. He kicked the door down and I just sat there, still stuck in my daydream. "Oh baby, what's wrong?" He said passionately. "Her first word is hunt." I said, tears streaming down my eyes. "Babe she doesn't even know what that means. She hears it from us. It's ok baby, we aren't gonna let anything happen to her. No where near anything that we hunt, ok?"
"Ok." I said sadly.

Hey sorry this chapter is short. I'm saving up things for next chapter. I hope to get a lot in next chapter :)

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