Episode One: The Bachelor

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It was a breezy night in Limsa Lominsa, and the market was all the rage. Wayne Pent, brushing through a heavy crowd in the streets had been admiring the firework display up in the sky, their vibrant flashing colors illuminating the sky. He'd been wearing his casual clothes, a normal red tee and black shorts accompanied by his typical black boots, as he didn't feel comfortable in any other pair that wasn't made by his retainer.

Wayne carried a small brown leather box, carefully making sure not to drop it or it's contents as he used both hands to secure it, it's flimsy loose lock flailing about. "I sure hope it's not too late. I did hear she closes shop around this time." He said to himself, nervously walking about the inner halls of the market. Stalls were lined up like crazy, with all sorts of people bartering about due to the occasion, yet Wayne was unaware of what to notice. Not paying much attention, a hand slaps the back of Wayne's shoulder, causing him to recoil the box to his side. "What the?" He exclaimed.

It was his friend Wolf, the Miq'ote he used to adventure with. He was seen wearing a blue hoodie and black cargo pants, with his shoes matching the color of his hoodie. "What's the matter with you? On edge much these days?" Wolf said with a small laugh. Looking over to Wolf, Wayne noticed he hadn't really seen his friend in a year, albeit ever messaged. "Ah hey! No I'm fine, to be honest I'm quite late on sending this box back to Korra. I heard her booth was pretty busy during the day so I wanted to give it to her during downtime...but." Wayne said trailing off.

"Buddy, you won't find any downtime this night. It's the moonfire faire festival! Have you forgotten?" Wolf replied, tapping his head with a mocking expression. Wayne scratched his chin curiously, but looked out to the fireworks present. "That'd explain the fireworks then." Wayne said tiredly.

The two walked awhile, chatting as they made way down the narrow walkway towards the next alignment of stalls. Wolf crossed his arms, giving Wayne a peery set of side-eye. "You haven't come to the guild at all lately. Where have you been all this time, huh?"

"I'm a busy guy these days, besides I was back home in Van'adiel. I doubt they have a carrier pigeon that'd bother you anytime soon." Wayne joked, rubbing his nose smugly. Wolf scoffed, shaking his head.

"Well, you know everyone moved on from the guild. Nuva got married, Moss invested in a Mercenary caravan, and of course yours truly is now an Ul' Cup Champion!" Wolf said with a high smirk.

"No way, that's pretty dope. Though I bet I could take you on!" Wayne responded enthusiastically. "Whatever" wolf said with a chuckle.

Wayne, now a bit more relaxed by the cool night air, looked down at the box he had in his hand. "I guess the crew doesn't have to worry about me much after all. Though I wonder, what ever became of the...yknow...Free company?"

Wolf shook his head, exhaling a big sigh. "The leadership got pretty scrambled, all the old heads ended up disagreeing with each other, and of course some of them took their anger out on Orsova. After mission Omega, people were stressed out. You remember that don't you?" He said with a stern look, his expression fading to a more serious look.

Wayne tried not to make eye contact, clenching the box firm. "Yeah I remember. A lot of us got hurt pretty badly from that mission, I'm glad we made it out alive at least." He responded.

Suddenly, the two stop as a dark-skinned Viera with white hair and round glasses pull up to them, her black chic dress hugging her almost as tight as she had her books back then, she was always the bookworm. Her ponytail was embroidered with gems, and her figure was shapely, much different than when Wayne saw her last. It was Korra alright. Wayne gazed at her with a surprised look, accompanied by a small whistle. "Wow, guess everyone did change for the better."

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