Vanilla •Reader × Neji Hyuga•

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          ⚠ NSFW! Smut content ahead ⚠.

"Dinner looks delightful Y/n" he confirms pecking your forehead lightly and taking a seat. He silently stuffs all of his dumpling in his mouth at once.

"Tgere delifiuss koo" he says with a full mouth. You chuckle, grabbing a napkin and dabbing his face with it. You hum, "y'know Nej, you eat like a chipmunk when we're at home alone" you tease.

He swallow's. His eyebrows knit together and he scoffs lightheartedly.
"What? I do not eat like a rodent"

You pick up a dumpling with your chop sticks and dip it in a small puddle of soy sauce.
"Yeah you do"
You take a bite of your dumpling.

"You stuff your cheeks just like a starving chipmunk" you state laughing at him.
His eyebrow twitches in irritation and he grumbles lowly;

"Well atleast I dont eat like a horse, unlike you"

You pause your chews glaring venom at him. He simply picks up another dumpling with his chopsticks.

Sighing over dramaticly at him, you watch as he takes a large bite from it, and most of the contents of the remaining dumpling half fall out onto the plate. Chewing slowly yet elegantly, you swollow.


"No, im too stuffed I cant possibly finish the last dumpling..." he speaks sitting back in his chair.

He smirks a little.
"With the portions your always giving me, I wouldn't be shocked if your trying to fatten me up" he accuses.

"As if. Your already Ugly, why would I try to make you chubby too?" You playfully jab at him.
He sits up with a confused face.

"Ugly?" He questions.

You hum in delight at the reaction he gave.

"Yeah. Your hazy eyes, perfect jaw line, and god-sculpted body are all hideous dont you know babe?"

He sucks his teeth. "Whatever " he murmers
"You can feed my last dumpling to D/n" he hums.

"Mm" you reply.
You lazilly stand from your chair and take away his plate along with your own. You plop your boyfriends last dumpling in the dog bowl, calling for your little puppy.

" D/n!" You call.
You hear her/his little collar bell ring all the way over to its dog bowl where it chomps on the dumpling happily.


A little later, after a warm shower and a nice cup of hot coco, you sit on the side of the bed waiting for your boyfriend to come from the shower.

He steps out along with a thick cloud of warm steam. You look over and instantly smile at his appearance. He's wearing the only thing you like him to, a nice and small towel.

You purposly baught small towels, not so that you can see his amazing body better or anything... but they were like... idk.

But it certainly probably wasnt for perverted reasons. At all. Probably.

Neji sways his hand in front on your face snapping you out of your not perverted thoughts. "Hey, Y/n? Hello?" He calls. "Mhm?" You coo.

"Oh, i was just asking if you've seen my grey sweater anywhere?" You daze off again this time having more perverted-- no, this time 18+ thoughts from the close proximity.

"I dunno..." you groan cringing from your own thoughts.

Just looking at him makes your mind churn. You lace two arms over his shoulders, stamping your lips to his. Taken aback, his eyes widen a bit before he places his own arms in your armpits and lifting you up.

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