Chap. 1

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                                       Chap. 1

Hi, I'm Amelia Winston but people call me Minnie around from New York not the rich preppy side either, the east side.i lived with my mom dad and brother until two years ago my brother left me and then a month later my mom left too. After my mom left my dad became an abusive drunk , I guess he was brother's name was Dallas but I always called him dal , he was fifteen but now he's probably fifteen turning 16 in about 3 months.i have long brown almost black hair that goes down to my lower back. I have dark greenish blueish eyes like my mothers. I have a bunch of freckles unlike anyone else in my family. I always adore them. I have a small waist mostly because me and my dad rarely have money for food but it's whatever. My personality is a little weird. I always bite my nails there so small sometimes they bleed mostly because of my anxiety. But I guess you could call me a hood or troubled teen. I steal , fight , smoke , sometimes drink but it's rare. I always get in trouble with the cops with my friends. My dad punched me once for being too much like Dallas, he said. Whatever. I never got it then but when he was around I only saw the good in him but I always see the good in everyone besides the fuzz.i have a motorcycle and its the best thing i have. Also makes me look pretty badass. I got it from my grandpa after he passed so its my favorite thing on the earth. I only have 2 real good friends. I have Ricky and Eli , Eli's  just like me in an abusive household but he has it more than me. He fights more than me. He's the fighter me and rebel only fight for kicks he does it for fun and to be cocky. Ricky's a fun girl but she's also the smart one with common sense but we call her rebel. She loves to go off with boys which I find weird for her age but I don't say anything because she's my friend. They say I'm the one with the mouth and I have a bad attitude most times. But people also say I'm the weird one because I like to do different things. If u catch me at home I'm always listening to music or weighting. I love writing. It helps me escape from my shitty world and pretend I'm in someone else's. But it's okay I loathe it. People round town call us three Rae. It's our initials together. We're mostly popular because we are the most troubled kids around here. We used to be race but we had another boy his name was Chris. He was the type of person who always listened and was there for you. He's the only one of us that actually had a chance of going to college and getting somewhere in life. But one day he was caught in a robbery and he tried to fight the gunman but ended up getting shot and died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Ya know how people always say there's duos in a trio well us for it was me and Chris. And rebel and Eli. His death hit me harder than the other too that's why I am the way I am now. Too much mouth and just keep to myself because I don't have anybody to talk to anymore. Eli can't listen very well and rebel tried to understand but I could tell she didn't want to be fthere. I am a very good listener. I would talk to Chris about my problems and he would talk to me about his dreams. But now he's gone so all of my feelings are bottled up and I just try to listen and I'm very good at it. Anyways enough of the sappy stuff. Back to where my adventure begins ,

Word count : 690
Hope u like this story!
Sorry about grammar or errors I'm not perfect😛

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