The nightmare

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It was a few weeks since the tattoo shop. Everything was silent Novarina had a though in her mind that maybe she would never hear from Micheal again.

She climbed out of bed, her body aching all over, she wondered why she was still sore all over, could it be that day at the tattoo parlor had left her with severe pains? She didn't know. She went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, and relieved herself. A flood of fluids poured from her vagina as she just assumed she was peeing normally as she got up and went to the shower she looked at her naked body. In the full length mirror. The constant reminder in her pussy forever branded a whore and someone's property. She though maybe she will grow her pubes out over it and no one will ever see it. Just a thought. .

She jumped into the shower and washed her aching body all over her asshole felt like fire as water ran down her crack and her pussy lips felt puffy. She didn't know what was wrong. She finished her shower and just wrapped a towel around her body and went to the kitchen to make some coffee.  Sitting there waiting for the kettle to boil she wondered what would she do today, she grabbed an apple and bit into it. Feeling she also had a sore jaw like someone punched her, she though maybe pain killers will help. She grabbed a couple and took them then got her coffee and sat on the sofa to put the TV on and relax.

A short time later. No more than 20 minutes Novarina dropped down falling asleep heavy snoring sleep. Moments later her front door opened. And a group of men and a couple of women entered, like a well trained team the men began setting up camera equipment around the livingroom, as the 2 women grabbed Novarina dragged her over to a stool slumber her now naked body over it tying her ankles and wrists to each of the four legs. With a thick pillow under her belly, (it turns out Micheal never left her alone, he stopped sending messages for the moment because he had a copy of her house key as well as during her gang r8pe time at the tattoo parlour he also had her home fitted with lots of hidden cameras. And also drugs, from the pain killers she just took which were actually very strong sleeping pills. Normally given to horses, to bottles of water in her fridge. And other items she would eat or drink) as the stage was now set. Cameras rolling one of the women began eating Novarinas pussy and asshole tongue fucking her asshole and then licking her cunt making her as wet as possible, as the other woman began sucking dicks if the large group of men who came also. Novarina every day since she left the tattoo parlour had been drugged and gang banged by scores of men daily, all the whole unknowingly being apart of a porn shoot.

As her pussy and ass was thoroughly, licked clean and lubed up the show began. One by one. Men fucked her pussy or asshole or pussy then ass to pussy again. She was filled with dicks for over 3 hours. Men taking turns inside her body all with the same goal in mind. Cum inside either pussy or ass. Nothing outside. Some men violently raped her asshole pushing as deep as they could forcing themselves inside her as hard as they could possibly force before shooting deep inside her anus. While her vagina was flooded with multiple cum loads her pussy leaked badly from her own pussy juice as well as men's sperm each man shot their load deep inside her vagina also, even if it poured out of her into the bowl under her pussy on the floor they all did their task of abusing her badly. Her ass cheeks had been bitten grabbed hard. Leaving scrapes and marks on her cheeks. As she snored away. The scores of men balls empty left her house small groups at a time. I told Micheal and the first group were left the two women untied Novarina and made sure all the sperm that poured from her abused vagina had finished dropping before they threw her to the floor without care, spreading her legs one of the women began eating her pussy again, licking and gulping down remaining sperm. Cleaning her pussy really.  As two of the men propped Novarina up, and ran a lubed tube down her throat to her belly, she struggled while the tube was in but they were quick. They grabbed the bowl half filled with trillions of sperm from who knows how many men and they poured it down the tube via a funnel straight to her belly. It slimed it's way down fast. Her bell lled now with possibly 70 mens cum loads. As they pulled the tube out, and her pussy and asshole was licked clean. They cleaned any mess around and the men grabbed her hard by the pussy and tits and threw her into the sofa again where she was and threw the towel over her now fucked out body. .
Nighttime came as Novarina finally woke. Again sore all over, wondering how she slept so long and why her throat was sore, as she stood up naked, she felt her belly and though, she didn't eat did she? Why is her stomach so full looking from the side. She did a little stretching before getting dressed and heading out. 

End of  chapter 3

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