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Days after her father fucked her in her own bedroom, he had visited her 4 more times in the last 3 days, giving her body as much of his semen as he could. during those days. each time talking to her, explaining to her he has been making deals with locals to anyone who could afford 1 million IDR, from simple old farmers to filthy street workers, to anyone at all, selling her body to as many people as he could to get rich from her. throwing a red piece of lingerie at her. he told her to put that on nothing else and take selfies, to send to him. then to sit on the bed and wait.

Her body still swimming with daddy's sperm, Novarina was now a sex slave for her own father, pimping her out like a cheap common whore. as he told her to put her long coat on, and he took her from the house to the moped, and took her to a closed worksite nearby, big lights already set up and a filthy mattress lay on the ground under the lights, as they arrived, her father who was wearing a helmet and never removed it, dragged her to the mattress and threw her down on it, telling her open your legs, and service the people..

From the shadows came men, each handing her father envelopes of cash before making their way to Novarina to see her pussy on display, the males mostly old, very skinny or very fat, began undressing and surrounding her, some dropped down to the mattress and began tearing her outfit off, as one penetrated her without warning began fucking her pussy, another a very fat man dropped next to her head and lifted his dick up before dropping his balls on her face, telling her to suck his balls while he masturbated his dick. her mouth reluctantly opened and took his balls inside, swirling her tongue around his balls making them wet, gradually sucking them a little as the man was moaning, the old man inside her pussy shot his load inside her, and was quickly replaced by another old man. taking turns filling her pussy with semen, most of these men knew her, they had known her since she was a child, now they are giving her their seed. the barrage of dicks entering her pussy and giving her their seeds. was almost endless to her, as the fat man was about to erupt, he took his balls from her mouth and pushed his dick inside, grunting as he tried choking her forcing it inside her throat as his semen began pumping directly into her wind pipe, struggling for air, her body convulsing her pussy walls tightening the fat man pulled out, and rolled off her, laying there sweating like he had done a full day at the gym. as she lay there struggling to breath. the next man to enter her, grabbed her and rolled her on top of him making her fuck his dick, in her pussy pushing his dick inside her already cum filled pussy, making her gyrate on his dick a much younger male got behind her, in her bent over position her cum covered asshole was exposed, without missing a beat, his dick rammed inside her already lubed with semen asshole, her eyes widened as her hole was being fucked at the same time as her pussy.  taking it, knowing she is now a whore, for her own daddy. both holes fucked together, as another young male showed up in front of her, next to no ball hair, he grabbed her by the hair and pushed his dick in her mouth. using both hands he began fucking her mouth fast. tiny balls slapping her chin, she knew she better suck hard, to get it over with fast, her hard suction made the young boy explode within minutes, as he moaned his body shuddering, as his boy sperm went down her throat. before pulling out and still shuddering as he walked off, to be replaced by another boy. she sucked and sucked many dicks, as her asshole was being filled by multiple dicks, her father over joyed by the many encloses he had in his bag, watching his daughter make him rich in one night, he though she will be doing this every night for a long time. his mind filled with greed, knowing he will be a real rich man in a matter of months. thinking, if Novarina could make this much in one night. how much would her younger virgin sister make him...

the night was ending. the group of 70+ men left. the noise of mopeds riding off into the night. as Novarina. belly filled with cum. her pussy filled with so much seed. she thought she would be pregnant. her asshole leaking sperm, no ability to clench her hole shut as she stood cum blobs just falling out of her abused asshole, she staggered over to her father trying to put her red thing on again. he ripped it from her hand and threw it away. throwing her coat to her. he told her wait here i go pee. as she waited by the moped. seeing the bag, filled with money. she had an impulse idea. throwing the bag over her shoulder. she jumped on the moped. semen pussy slapping the seat. she rode away fast, so her father could not catch her. she rode home fast, went straight to her room not bothering to change, grabbing another bag and throwing as much clothes into it as she could. she ran bath to the moped, and rode off. vanishing into the night.

End of chapter 7

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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