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One year after book 15

Moon was exhausted, working several hours on homework and managing to spend time with Qibli was very difficult. But she somehow made it work
In the months following the imprisonment of Wasp and the destruction of the Breath of evil, many things had changed, such as for example the now common sight of humans working together with dragons, wether it be humans helping dragonets with finding their lost toys, or humans helping on large construction projects.
Every now and then Smolder's human (who was now known as Rose) would come in and watch Moon work, sometimes she would bring a cup of tea for Moon, even if the cup was 1,000 times small than the standard dragon sized cup. This time though Rose came with a scroll, a dragon sized scroll.

Rose: Message from Queen Thorn, Ms. Moon.

Moon: Oh stop with that, I told you there's no need to be that regal with me. I'm still only a dragonet after all.

Rose: I'm just joking with you Moon.

Moon: Ok ok ok, now we should be off to the Queen's thorn room I suppose.

Rose: Actually her majesty wanted to meet you in the art gallery room.

Moon: I didn't know we had an art gallery here.

Rose: Her majesty said that's because it was never used in years, the old one who was related to Smolder abandoned it to time during the war, as it didn't have a a purpose in the war. I luckily got to see it one time before a nasty sandstorm buried it.

Moon: Interesting. Shoot we should hurry quickly, I'm probably late.

Moon told Rose to hop on her back for quicker transportation to the art gallery. They rushed downstairs and passed by the mailroom which looked to finally be working for once. They quickly stopped to a halt after Rose told Moon to stop.

Queen Thorn: Ah there you are, Moon. Smolder here was beginning to worry that you and Rose wouldn't come

Smolder: What!? No! I was not! It was Queen camel breath over here who was worrying.

Queen Thorn: If you keep acting like that, I'll make sure you receive a horrible death.

Smolder: Ah the old Smolder I'll kill you joke, never gets old.

Thorn turned around and glared at Smolder, she seemed to get bigger when she glared at him, although that might've been because Smolder was backing away in defeat.

Moon: Sooo, your majesty. Why did you invite me here?

Queen Thorn: Oops, I almost forgot you were there, Moon. I wanted you to check out this one particular painting, I know you know a lot about ancient IceWing history thanks to your friend, Winter.

Thorn walked down the art gallery hallway and beckoned Moon to follow. Smolder and Rose followed suit as well.

And then Thorn suddenly stopped and pointed to one painting in particular.

It showed a giant IceWing-like creature locked in combat with a giant fire breathing creature. The IceWing was much larger than any dragon Moon had ever seen, even larger than Darkstalker! As for the other creature, it had grey scaly skin with massive spikes on its back, it clearly was some sort of reptile creature, it was also standing in a bipedal stance.

Queen Thorn: So, what do make of it, Moon?

Moon: I-I-I have no idea!

Thorn growled for a second before returning with an apologetic look.

Queen Thorn: Sorry, it's just we've asked every historian on the continent without any good results on what this painting is about. I thought maybe Winter would've told you about a story like this, because Qibli has told me that Winter told him a few IceWing stories

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