Battle of kaijus

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After roaring at the fleeing dragons and humans, the red ape grabbed the crystal on the end of his whip and growled at the white creature. The creature hesitated and looked as if it was in pain, but the red ape did not care and once again growled the white creature who complied this time and shot a blue beam into the clouds.

Moon could only stand still and watch as the creature turned its beam onto the nearby area and turned the hit areas into ice.

Winter: Moon? MOON! We have to go!

He snapped her out of her gaze at the giant beasts and grabbed her arm and ran.

Winter looked back and saw a purple glow coming from the portal.

The red ape begun to make a sound that sounded like laughing, only to be cut off by a punch to the face. The white creature was confused for a second before being shot by a purple beam.

The one of the attackers revealed itself as another ape, this one with brown fur, with a strange yellow object on its right hand that could only be described as a gauntlet.

The other creature matched the one in the painting, it had grey scaly skin, a boxy head and a skinny torso, with a row of spikes that gradually got bigger on the back and ended at the end of it's tail.

The red ape growled at the newcomers and spit out a tooth that had been knocked loose by the brown ape. The spiked creature let out a bellowing roar that shook the land, challenging the red ape and its white companion to a battle.

The red ape commanded the white creature to attack the spiked creature, who complied and was subsequently tackled by the spiked creature into a small mountain.

Meanwhile the red ape was getting absolutely destroyed up by the brown ape. He tried to counterattack with a dropkick but was intercepted by the brown ape. Just before the brown ape could finish the red ape, the red ape used the crystal and had the white creature tail swipe the brown ape a good distance away.

The white creature charged at the brown ape before being intercepted by the spiked creature. But the white creature wasn't so easily beaten and grabbed the spiked creature with it's jaws a threw it across Sanctuary.

After the spiked creature was dealt with, the white creature turned its attention back to the brown ape and started blasted it with its ice beam.

Meanwhile the red ape was laughing at his supposed victory. But he was oblivious to the spiked creature which had gotten up and had a purple glow emitted over its body and roared in anger at the red ape. The red ape saw this and leaped out of the ray of a stronger purple beam and tried to whip the spiked creature, but it was able to grab the end of the whip and bite off the crystal, which bounced a few meters away.

The brown ape saw this and tried to grab the crystal but was busy deflecting the ice beam from the white creature with its yellow gauntlet.

The red ape then ran after the crystal but had to dodge between hills and trees from the spiked monster's purple beam. He then leaped after the crystal and grabbed it and smiled, but he was cut off by another purple beam that made him have to drop the crystal and run, however he was grazed on the back by the purple beam.

Meanwhile the brown ape was in danger, the ice from the beam was spreading on the gauntlet and was dangerously close to spreading on the brown ape's arm. But just before the ice could spread, the spiked creature interfered and shot at the white creature with its purple beam. And seeing that the white creature was dealt with, the brown ape leaped towards the crystal, but was held back by the red ape grabbing its leg.

Suddenly the portal came to life again and a much smaller orange ape, carrying an axe, jumped out.

The little orange ape ran over to the brown ape and appeared to communicate with the much larger brown ape. The little ape then readied the axe and brought it down on the crystal, creating a massive blue shockwave that knocked over the battling kaijus.

The red ape quickly recovered and looked angry, it grabbed the nearby little ape and started to strangle it but was hit in the face with the brown ape's gauntlet.

The brown ape then grabbed the red ape and threw it over to the spiked creature who hit the red ape back to the brown ape with its tail. The red ape tried to command the newly recovered white creature to attack the three other creatures but it didn't listen. The spiked creature roared at the white creature and it turned to attack the red ape, but before it could, a squadron of SandWings attacked the creatures which gave the red ape time to get loose of the brown ape's grip and grab it's bone whip and flee.

The spiked creature had enough of the attacking dragons and fired it's beam at the SandWings, killing them all.

Once the SandWings were killed, the spiked creature fired its beam into the dark clouds, which made them return to normal.

The spiked creature then turned to the brown ape and communicated to it in a series of growls and bellows and seemed to turn it's head towards the white creature.

Then the spiked creature started to walk away, towards the east, leaving the three other creatures in the remains of Sanctuary.

The white creature seemed distressed for a minute, likely because its friend had left it with two creatures that looked pretty similar to the one who caused it pain. The brown ape saw this and comforted the white creature with scratches on its snout, which seemed to calm it.

The three creatures then walked over to the portal, which mysteriously had closed, leaving them trapped in this strange new world.

And that is the end of chapter one, we got to see a kaiju fight after the last chapter which was mainly talking.
A few things to note:
Godzilla didn't just forget about Skar King, he simply had to find a place to rest because he spent a lot of energy when he went supercharged in the battle.
The SandWings weren't just random, they were already in the area and attacked under orders from their commander.
I would like to know if any of y'all readers would like to see Mothra appear in the story at all.

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