August 23rd, 2025
It's August, after a long day of walking to Walmart and back home I feel exhausted and just entirely sweaty. Ashley made me go out and get Groceries again, My name is Frixx. I am 19, My sister Ashley is 20, and my older brother Andrew is 22. I had graduated high school last year and I am currently working for the Detroit Metro airport as a TSA Agent. I'm mainly there to pay off so I can get my pilots license. my brother Andrew works as a Vape marketing specialist. As for my sister Ashley.. well I guess I love Ashley.. though I don't try to pay attention to her career to often.. you see.. Ashley treats me as if I we're still 8 years old.. she has been this way ever since the Covid-19 Pandemic 5 years ago.. at least.. she started to when our parents just left us in the house for the entire pandemic.. I wasn't really close to my father.. I guess maybe my mother.. either way I could give a damn where they're at.. whether they're living it up in the Bahamas or dead in the Detroit river.. Although.. Ashley is my older sister by 1 year but that really shouldn't matter should it?
I finally walk up to our house, I open the door greeted by Ashley. she yells at me "Frixx! where in Gods name have you been at for the last 4 hours?! I was getting worried!" She is very over protective yet so narcissistic. I look at her and frown "Well Ashley, maybe if you let me use my money at Meijer's that is around the corner instead of making me walk to Walmart to buy all the Great Value junk then I would've been home at least 2 hours ago now wouldn't have I?" I pout. Ashley rolls her eyes. sometimes I actually wonder how we still are even living here, If our parents left 5 years ago then somebody who isn't Andrew or Ashley, are still paying for this house, because I'm sure as hell not the one paying the house bill around here.. I pay for the internet and electricity bill.
I finally sit down on the couch and stretch my legs and launch HOI4 on my Laptop, at least that's until my sister yells for me. "FRIXX!" Ashley shouts. If that witch doesn't put a sock in it I swear I'll make sure I put one in her mouth for me, "Frixx, what did I tell you about playing games like Hearts of Iron or even that one game Power and Revolution?!" She yells. Ashley doesn't like it when I play games based on war or dictatorship, she thinks it will fry my brains. I then try to explain to her once again "Ashley, it really isn't that big of a deal, do you really think I'm going to become another Adolf Hitler? For Christ sake we have Donald Trump in office right now, I can't run against that man, Id need money for Merch and an entire Campaign first off" I say. Ashley rolls her eyes and stops me "Frixx, I told you not to play those Nazi Communist games!" If only Ashley knew that these games aren't even real life, nothing but Pixels on a screen that won't make up for anything that I do in life. "Okay fine Ashley, what if I played Madden or MLB 25 Instead?" I say to her. Ashley's expression then turns ugly "NO! NO GAMES THAT CAN RUIN YOUR BRAINS!" She shouts. I'm sure tired of her.
"Frixx, you need to play games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons or Mario Kart instead of those brainwashing Nazi mush games." She says, Brainwashing mush games? She couldn't come up with anything better huh? I get up and head to the bathroom, but Ashley stops me. "Frixx, where do you think you're going?" I roll my eyes and say directly to her, "I need a long hot shower." She refuses to let me go into the bathroom and after a while she tires herself out so I push her out of the way and go piss.
A few hours go by, and I get back on HOI4. I start singing the Soviet anthem, and Ashley overhears me, walking into my room. She scoffs and says, "What did I tell you about playing those dictator war sim games? They're bad for your health and will turn your brain into Nazi-Communist mush." My only argument to my sister is "I want to play HOI4, give me back my power cord." She then replies back to me, "Absolutely not! You will play Animal Crossing, and you will like it. I don't care if your friends told you to play HOI4; it's NOT cool and makes you retarded." She grabs a hammer and starts smashing my computer. I quietly say, "That's okay." I take out my other Laptop and get on "P&R 2023 Edition." She quickly sees me again and says, "NO! TURN THAT SHIT OFF RIGHT NOW! NO WONDER WHY YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS PLAYING STUPID CRAP LIKE THAT!" Ashley then throws my laptop out the window. I look her face, "Ashley, you are only older than me by just a year. Instead of getting off, how about you get over your high horse and grow the hell up." I say, She gets angry at me. "THAT'S IT FRIXX. YOU'RE GROUNDED FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK!" She shouts, I roll my eyes and say, "Ashley, I'm 19 AND OVER 18. You don't pay the bills. You can't ground me." She then tells me, "I know that. But I don't care, I'm doing this for your own good. Without our parents, I have to BE a parent." What a Narcissistic Psycho.
I go into the living room and I begin to start playing Madden on my Xbox. She immediately sees me do this "Don't make me throw that out the window as well. Because I WILL throw it out the window. Just go play Animal Crossing and I'll even buy you the DLC!" She shouts, I already have the Animal Crossing DLC. I then ask Ashley "What EXACTLY is wrong with Madden Ashley?" She rolls her eyes "Seriously? You're going to sit there and play a stupid sports game? Go play a Child-friendly game." Ashley says Condescendingly. I give Ashley a dirty look and I say "Ashley. Madden is rated for 8-year-olds and up. There is no way you're going to say that'' I Groan, she rolls her eyes again "Who cares if it's rated PG? you should be more feminine." Ashley says Judgmentally. I can't believe my sister just said that. Telling me to be more like a girl yet I'm not? "Ashley. I'm a boy. And you're sitting there telling me-" She cuts me off "Even worse! Just go outside and play real football" Ashley says Derisively, But With what friends and at that who exactly? The weird ass Neighbors? We live in Detroit for Gods sake, we may be in the more Rich area but that doesn't dismiss the fact that we still have weirdos in our area who aren't on drugs but sure act like it, I look at Ashley "Andrew is always working. and you are too soft to even play Street hockey with a tennis ball and not even a damn tree stick." I Pout.
Ashley just stops right there and goes to her room. God I hate this family so much, my Parents aren't even present anymore, I have an older brother who works endlessly like its the great depression, and I have a sister who is almost a Karen.
Poker Face.
Narrativa generaleIt's the year 2025. Frixx is the youngest child of the Graves family. their parents left 5 years ago while the Pandemic was still happening. (Frixx in this story was born in 2006, Ashley in 2005 and Andrew in 2003) NOTE: In this story Andrew isn't T...