♡ Four am wake up call ♡

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"Make it look good! I want my son to look worth a million bucks!" An adult male voice demanded.

"Ow, that hurts..." Young Y/N flinched as his hair stylist messed with hair.

"Look, kid, I'm just doing what your pompous dick of a dad wants, alright." The stylist scoffed.

Y/N just endured the painful hair treatment, not wanting to bother the pissy hair stylist. It was all fine until his dad walked into his dressing room.

"There's my little money maker!" Y/N's dad announced and gestured for the stylist to go.

"Hi, dad." Y/N said with little enthusiasm.

"Aww shit you - you look below acceptable... I mean, come on, that stylist of yours acts like I don't control their paycheck?!" His dad complained and laughed.

"But I think it turned out nice -" Y/N was about to respond before being interrupted.

Y/N's father held onto Y/N's shoulders and faced him toward the vanity mirror with himself behind him.

"Look Y/N I'm going to be honest with you... no one will ever care what you think it all about what the audience thinks, The slightest nitpick will always make you look bad, okay, son..." Y/N's father said in a stern voice.

All Y/N could do is just agree with his father. No matter how much those words gave him chills...


Y/N was sleeping soundly in his room. Which made sense since it was around Four-Thirty in the morning. That was until he was awoken by a large figure falling on top of him. This frightened Y/N, who ended up falling off his bed, the figure falling as well.

"What the fuck!?" Y/N shouted.

"Chill money bags, is it just me?!" A familiar voice shouted, grabbing onto Y/N's shoulders.

"Wait, Blitzo?!" Y/N shouted in confusion.

"Ah- How did you get in my house?!" He questioned.

"Air vent..." Blitzo replied.

Y/N looked up to his bedroom where the air vent was to find out that the cover was off of it.

"Sweet fucking satan... What do you want..?" Y/N Groaned.

"Well since you work for an assassination company now ...and it looks like you can't fight for shit I thought it would be a good idea to train you like I'm your cool mentor or something," Blitzo explained.

"... And you thought it would be a good idea to do this AT FOUR IN THE FUCKING MORNING?!" Y/N shouted, grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Well yeah it would be just the two of us... at night" Blitzo shrugged trying to explain his reasoning to Y/N.

"Whatever just get ready I'll be in the van." He says making an escape through Y/N's bedroom window.

Y/N was confused why he went through the window but non the less he puts on his shoes and a sweater jacket to meet Blitzo outside. Blitzo opens the van door for him but some trash from inside the van falls out onto Y/N's driveway. Y/N looks at Blitzo with an un pleased expression as Blitzo nervously chuckles. Once they started driving Blitzo would make quick glances towards Y/N who was just staring out the van window.

"So how have you been," Blitzo tries to break the silence.

'I'm fine" Y/N dead-panned, not even looking out the window.

♡ Hell's Favorite Succubus ♡ Blitzø x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now