The Lavender Rose

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Oh dear oh dear, I'm gonna be late! Aziraphale stumbled over himself as he attempted to reach for his coat. He had been keeping an eye on a truly wonderful couple of people and the confession was going to happen at any moment now. Aziraphale had to be there to ensure it would go well, they were just absolutely perfect for each other. The Angel scrambled back up and threw on his coat, hurrying out of the door. If he didn't show up in time there it was sure to go terribly. He made his way down the sidewalk, being sure to not accidentally run into anybody in his hurry.
It seemed his best efforts to avoid the people didn't do him very well because he ended up bumping into somebody anyways.
"Oh dear! I'm so so dreadfully sorry, are you okay?" Aziraphale squeaked, blinking hard as he looked down at the young gentleman that was on the floor. He had brilliant red hair and shades that covered his eyes. The man looked shocked for a few moments before a hate scowl appeared on his face.
"Watch where you're walking." He spat, freezing when he noticed Aziraphale had his hand held out to offer assistance getting up.
"I didn't see you, I am very sorry, I hope you didn't get too hurt." Aziraphale would love to make sure he wasn't actually hurt but he was already cutting it close staying to help him up. The man snorted and pulled himself up, dismissing Aziraphale's helping hand.
"Don't bother." He hissed, shoving his hands in his pocket and stalking off. Aziraphale turned and watched him leave, staring before remembering he had somewhere to be.
"I'm gonna be late." He quickly turned back around and continued making his way towards Saint Nicholas Park where the two humans were meeting up. Fortunately, Aziraphale was not in fact late, but just barely on time.
"Thanks for coming out on such short notice, I know it's sudden but I had to tell you in person." The guy shuffled his feet nervously, looking down and then slowly back up.
"Of course, what do you need Toby?" The girl gave a gentle smile as she looked at Toby. It always warmed Aziraphales heart to see people young and in love, he often wondered what it was like but never more.
"Uhm... So do you remember when we first met? It was pouring rain and we happened to hide together under the awning." The girl gave a simple nod, eyes filled with curiosity. "Well... I looked at you and thought 'wow, she's beautiful..' and I guess I... I fell in love." Aziraphale straightened himself and locked eyes on the girl, whispering words of luck and love before blowing her a gentle kiss. The girl started blushing, light pink covered her cheeks.
"You like me?" She asked with hope sparkled in her eyes.
"Yes I do Jenny... And I just wanted to know if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" Toby held out a single rose flower to Jenny who took it gently before pulling Toby into a tight hug.
"I thought you would never ask Toby! Yes I'll be your girlfriend!" Jenny squeaked with happiness and the two hugged for a few more moments before sharing a warm, loving kiss. Aziraphale let out a breath of relief, his job was done and successfully completed. He hummed happily to himself as he turned around and started heading back home. No longer in a rush, Aziraphale took his time and admired the beauty of the park and everything it had to offer.

It wasn't too long until Aziraphale got back home, hanging his coat up and taking off his shoes. Another successful day of giving people love. Aziraphale sat down at his desk and checked it off his long list of miracles to do this year. More miracle to complete tomorrow but he was done for today, so he curled up on his couch and started reading his favorite romance novel.
The peace didn't last long as he was suddenly reminded of the young man he ran into earlier that afternoon. Aziraphale frowned, marking the page he was one before closing the book. He was too much in a hurry to offer a proper apology and he looked rightfully upset at the encounter.
"Maybe I should find him and give him something as a sorry... That should be a good apology." Aziraphale thought aloud, tapping his fingers on the arm of his couch before getting up. Problem was he didn't know anything the man might appreciate, he didn't even know his name. That would cause some issues in Aziraphales plan.
"People seem to enjoy flowers, maybe a flower will work." Aziraphale thought, it's not like he had seen humans give each other much else. It was worth a shot anyways, a simple rose could go a long way in human emotion. Aziraphale grabbed a small empty vase and filled it with water before miracling a simple lavender rose* into the vase. Now the only thing was to find the stranger, and that was hard when there were so many people living in Soho and you rarely saw the same people twice.
Although, the short red hair and thick sunglasses the man wore were quite prominent features and Aziraphale was sure he'd be able to find him again if he kept looking. And so the Angel did, he left the flower in his house and went out in search of the man for the rest of the day. He asked people if they'd seen him, he went into various shops to see if he could spot him. Aziraphale only returned home once the sun was almost completely set. Oh well, perhaps they would cross paths tomorrow while he was working. For now, the rose was a pretty addition to his house, and he hoped the man would accept it when they next meet.

*Roses are often the symbol of love, but different colors have different meanings. Obviously we know the red rose means love, but a lavender rose means Love at First Sight.

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