Making up for lost time (J.O)*

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Third person

Jenna Ortega had been busier than ever, with back-to-back filming schedules and public appearances. The demanding pace of her career left little time for her and her wife, Y/n, to share those intimate moments they both cherished. Determined to reignite their spark, Jenna decided to plan something special.

One evening, after wrapping up early on set, Jenna hurried home with a mischievous smile. She had everything planned out to surprise Y/n. As she entered their cozy apartment, she set the scene—candles flickering softly, casting a warm glow, and a trail of rose petals leading from the front door to the bedroom.

Y/n arrived home later, the exhaustion of the day evident on her face. But as she opened the door and saw the romantic setup, her fatigue melted away, replaced by a look of delighted surprise. Following the petals, she found Jenna waiting for her in the bedroom, wearing a stunning silk robe.

"Welcome home, my love," Jenna said softly, pulling Y/n into a tender embrace. "I know we've both been busy, but tonight is just for us."

Jenna guided Y/n to the bed, where she had laid out a beautiful array of gourmet snacks and Y/n's favorite wine. They spent the evening talking, laughing, and reminiscing about their favorite memories together, the intimacy between them growing with each passing moment.

As the night progressed, Jenna gently removed Y/n's clothes, kissing every inch of her skin as she went. Each kiss was like a dance of passion and love on Y/n skin, rediscovering each other's touch and savoring the connection they had missed.

Jenna looked into Y/n's eyes, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "I love you more than anything, and I promise to always make time for us," she whispered, sealing her vow with a deep, lingering kiss.

In that quiet, intimate space, Jenna and Y/n found their way back to each other, their love rekindled, burning brighter than ever.

As the evening deepened, the soft flicker of candles cast dancing shadows on the walls. Jenna's eyes sparkled with a mix of anticipation and desire once the movie had ended. Jenna took Y/n's hand gently and walked back into the room. Jenna pushed Y/n back onto the bed, and her hands skillfully working to untie the silk robe she was wearing.

The fabric slipped off her shoulders, revealing her delicate curves and the smooth skin underneath. Jenna leaned in, her lips brushing against Y/n's ear, her voice a sultry whisper. "I've missed you so much, Y/n. Tonight, I want to make up for all the time we've lost."

Y/n shivered with anticipation as Jenna's lips traced a path down her neck, her breath hot and tantalizing. Jenna's hands roamed over Y/n's body, exploring every inch with a newfound hunger. Her touch was firm yet gentle, sending waves of pleasure coursing through Y/n.

Slowly, Jenna moved lower, her mouth leaving a trail of fiery kisses down Y/n's chest and abdomen. She paused, teasingly circling her tongue around Y/n's navel before continuing her descent. Y/n's breath hitched, her body arching towards Jenna's touch, craving more.

Jenna's fingers danced lightly over Y/n's inner thighs, her touch both teasing and promising. Jenna had left love bites on her wife's inner thighs. She glanced up, her eyes locking with Y/n's, a smirk playing on her lips. "Tell me what you want, my love," she murmured, her voice thick with desire.

"Please, Jenna," Y/n breathed, her voice barely a whisper. "I need you."

Taking her time, Jenna placed a soft kiss just above Y/n's most sensitive spot, her breath warm against Y/n's skin. Then, with deliberate slowness, she began to use her tongue, her movements precise and filled with passion. Y/n moaned softly, her hands tangling in Jenna's hair, guiding her closer.

Jenna's pace quickened, her tongue and fingers working in perfect harmony to drive Y/n closer and closer to the edge. The room was filled with the sounds of their shared pleasure, the air thick with the scent of roses and desire. Jenna's free hand moved to caress Y/n's breasts, her fingers pinching and teasing, adding to the exquisite torment.

As Y/n's moans grew louder, Jenna felt her own desire building, her need for Y/n intensifying. She poured all her love and longing into every touch, every kiss, determined to bring Y/n to the peak of ecstasy.

Finally, with a cry of Jenna's name, Y/n shattered, her body trembling with the force of her release. Jenna held her close, riding out the waves of pleasure with her, her own need temporarily forgotten in the joy of Y/n's satisfaction.

Breathless and flushed, Jenna climbed back up to lie beside Y/n, their bodies entwined. She kissed Y/n deeply, their tongues tangling in a dance of love and desire. "I love you," Jenna whispered against Y/n's lips, her heart full.

Y/n smiled, her eyes filled with adoration. "I love you too, Jenna. Always."

In the dim glow of the candles, they held each other close, their bodies and souls reunited in the most intimate of ways.


Is this the first time we've been bottom????

Well maybe that break was beneficial

Make sure y'all comment and vote please and thank you

Also if you haven't already go check out 'Flowetry' but if that's not your cup of tea that's ok

Catch y'all later pooks


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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