"And then I woke up!~"

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For clarification purposes, EVERY single one of the 'students' are 20 years old and older except Tails. They were NOT children in my dream and they aren't now. There are no minors other than Tails in this story.

Ignore mistakes.

In my dream, I was in Sonic's position but got like a random perspectives for the classes. Also the person who I made Shadow was a woman. But I wanted Shadow in her place. If you wanted to know that. Weirdest dream I've had in a while.

Sonic was always an explorer... his drive for finding brand new places or places that were long forgotten and lost to time was immeasurable. During one of his adventures, he met Knuckles. An explorer in his own right, but Knuckles explained he was more of a treasure hunter than a person who only explores for the fun of it. Regardless of their end goals, they joined forces and explored together... quickly becoming brothers in every way but by blood. And one day the two stumbled across a little fox. Tails was definitely not an explorer... not at first anyways. He was always afraid of getting caught and getting in trouble with the law... but then his brothers began purposefully picking places with a nice long history for him to learn about. And he was hooked. Normally their adventures held no issues... quick in, linger, quick-ish out. But sometimes things go horribly wrong.

"Tails! Is your bag packed?" "Not yet, Knux!" "Hey, remember to pack a bit lighter than normal guys... the nobody didn't report a way in or the conditions of this building. So we may need to climb up to a busted window. OH! My mask." The trio were going back and forth collecting things for their journey. Just a week prior, an anonymous person sent Knuckles a message, explaining that there was an abandoned school that held some school trophy made out of pure silver and had accents made of real gold. Knuckles was immediately blocked after getting the address however, making it clear that the person wanted no trace back to them whatsoever. Knuckles mentioned it, but had no trust in the source... but Tails did his research as he always did, and found the history of the school the person was talking about. While there was no talk of a trophy, it did appear to be a nice large building to explore with no security. So they agreed to check it out. For safety, Knuckles made sure to pack a few weapons and his emergency phone. "Ok, I'm ready! Waiting on you two slowpokes now~" Knuckles teased, sitting on the couch. Tails placed two bags next to Knuckles. "Should I take more so the history stuff, or my testing kit? Probably my testing kit huh?" Tails asked as he debated on what bag to take. Normally he took both but if he needed to pack light, he could only take one. "Probably the testing kit, yeah... that way we'll know if we can take our safety gear off and if the thing is gonna collapse." Knuckles said. "Right!" "...So Sonic's last this time?~" Knuckles teased again. "Hey, I'm picking the right shoes and gloves for this!" "Oh forgive me. Should never come between a man and his heels." "Rude sir." "How much longer are you gonna be? We only have like two hours until it gets dark out, and it's an hour drive!" Tails reminded them. "Like two minutes." "Ugh... I'm eating a candy apple... oops! Sorry Knuckles." Tails took his chosen pack and stood up to fetch one of their treats from the fridge, knocking and tripping over the other two bags in the process. "No worries, watch yourself... can't have you getting hurt now." Knuckles said, picking the bags back up and putting them on the couch. "Ok! Think I'm ready." Sonic said a whole twenty minutes later. "Finally!" Tails grabbed another candy apple before the team piled into Sonic's car and began heading to the location... in the middle of nowhere. That should have been their first red flag. Because of the lack of traffic on the way, it did not take too long to get to the building after they left the safety of the city lights, but the sun was already setting. "Shit... Should we even bother going in...?" Knuckles asked as he knew it would only be a handful of minutes before they were plunged completely in darkness. "Heck yeah! I did not just drive for over an hour just to go home right away." Sonic protested. Tails meanwhile... was confused. The building was BIG yes.... but... it did NOT look like he remember that picture looking like. Nor did it have a school sign like the website talking about it bragged it to still have. If only he had brought his history pack... second red flag that was ignored. Sonic scanned the building to look for an entry point. But found none. No broken doors or windows, there wasn't even any graffiti in sight. It was far too clean. Another red flag. "Well... let's just... look around out here for a bit? There's no way I'm breaking in, I left my lockpicks..." Bummed, but not willing to waste the trip, the three played in the school yard... soon stumbling across a storage container of sorts near what they assumed to be where the gym lead out. "Hey! It's open." Sonic said, and the brothers opened it up. Inside was a bunch of balls, hula hoops, jumpropes... It was definitely where the school kept toys and sports equipment, most likely for recess considering it was outside rather than inside. "Cool!~" Tails immediately went inside to look for something to take home, and Sonic and Knuckles watched him.

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