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November 3 was supposed to be like any other day. But then suddenly, everything changed. My dad has passed away. Just like that. It was like the sun went out, leaving us in darkness.I didn't understand what was happening. All these grown-ups around me were crying, but I didn't get why. All I knew was that my family was together again, and that made me happy for a moment.
But then reality hit. I saw my mom, her face pale, her eyes filled with tears that wouldn't stop. It was like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from.

                                                                        Relatives flooded into our home, their faces heavy with grief

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Relatives flooded into our home, their faces heavy with grief. They hugged us tight, whispering words I couldn't quite grasp. All I knew was that something terrible had happened.
That day, November 3, became a black day in our lives laughter turned to tears, and joy became sorrow. It was the day our world shattered, leaving us to pick up the broken pieces. And as a child, I couldn't comprehend the magnitude of the loss we had suffered. All I could feel was the heaviness in the air, the sadness that hung over us like a thick fog, refusing to lift.
When the funeral ends and people go home, that's when the real funeral starts. This was never more true than after my father's passing. The ceremony, with its rituals and the comforting presence of friends and family, felt like a shared dream. But when the last guest left and the house grew silent, the reality of his absence hit me with an indescribable force.

 But when the last guest left and the house grew silent, the reality of his absence hit me with an indescribable force

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It was in those quiet moments that I began to understand the depth of my grief. The everyday routines, the places he used to sit, the small things he used to say—all became reminders of the void he left behind. The true mourning began not in the presence of others, but in the solitude of my thoughts and memories. Navigating life without him has been the hardest journey. His wisdom, his laughter, and even his quiet presence were the anchors of my existence. Now, without him, I have had to find new ways to stay grounded and to keep moving forward. This experience has taught me that mourning is not confined to a day or a week but is a continuous process of finding meaning and peace in the absence of someone who meant everything to me. As I grew older, the pain of his loss did not fade; it evolved. I missed him at every milestone—my first day of school, my graduation, and my birthday. I often found myself looking for him in the crowd, hoping against hope to see his familiar face, his proud smile.Writing this, I feel the tears welling up, a testament to the enduring aches of his loss. My father’s death took away more than just a person—it took away a part of my childhood, my innocence, and my sense of security. But it also left me with an unbreakable bond to his memory, a drive to live a life that would make him proud.

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