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When I look back on my childhood, it's a mix of innocence and harsh reality. I was just five years old when my family faced hard times, struggling to make ends meet. Life wasn't all playgrounds and laughter for me, even at such a young age.

My mom, my sister, and I were just trying to get by. Being a girl in a place where danger always seemed to be lurking around the corner added an extra layer of worry. Money was tight, and every day seemed to bring a new challenge.

But my mom always believed that education was the key to a better life. Even when people suggested marrying us off early to ease the financial burden, she stood firm. She wanted more for us. She wanted us to be independent, to have the chance to make our way in the world. And she knew that education was the ticket to that freedom.

So, she took a stand, going against what everyone else was saying. It wasn't easy, but she was determined to give us a shot at a brighter future. In the face of financial struggles and societal pressure, my mom's determination was like a beacon of hope. It wasn't always smooth sailing, but her belief in us never wavered.

Armed with her love and support, we set out on a new journey, filled with hope and determination. We knew it wouldn't be easy, but with education as our guide, we were confident that we could overcome any obstacle that came our way.

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