1. Amy

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I skip into the front office, feeling the absolute warmth of this building compared to the cold and cloudy September morning past the doors leading out to wintery Washington state. Considering the fact that there's already a little bit of snow and ice on the ground, this is going to be another long and frosty winter.

I get inside the office and see the principle.

"Welcome back, Miss Amy," he says.

"It's good to be back, Mr. Maclo," I reply.

The bell rings, signaling everyone that it's time to come inside the building. After that first bell, we get an extra fifteen minutes to hang out with our buddies and try to get our talkative selves to talk our hearts out before class so we don't interrupt. I think it's a brilliant idea from the principle's side. Mr. Maclo hands me a stack of papers to file in the filing cabinets behind me. I use the key that I've been given since I work with him and start to file the papers. The warning bell rings and everyone rushes to class. I head to the farthest most area to file the last bits of the first pile of paperworks. I'm sticking the last page in its place as I hear the first ring of a late student.

"I bet it's Andy or Damon or or maybe even Katrina," I mumble lowly to myself as I put on a fake smile before heading over to the counter with a late-student fill-out sheet. "Just fill this out and go on your daily routine of classes please."

"Excuse me ma'am, but I'm not late. I just transferred here from a school in Japan," states the unfamiliar feminine voice. "I was hoping to receive my schedule here actually."

I look up to find a cute girl that I'd never seen before.

"Oh... uh... um... I uh... so-sorry... I ju-" I stutter but decide to stop talking and take a deep breath. "What did you say your name is?"

"I go by the name Argent Stone," she answers kindly without taking her eyes off me.

"I'll just go look up your schedule. Maybe I could take you around school and guide you for the day?" I boldly offer.

"Sure. It'd be nice to be with someone who obviously knows their way around this place."

I just nervously giggle a little as I search for Argent's schedule.

"Got it!" I excitedly whisper to myself as I close the cabinet back up and hand Argent her schedule, after looking it over. "Looks like I have some classes with you anyways."

'Won't that be fun!' says that funny voice excitedly. My conscience isn't my voice but is still inside my head. It's weird I know.

"I'll be right back, Argent," I assure her as I start walking into the principle's office room. "Mr. Maclo, sir? There has been a new transfer student. May I be excused from my classes today to show her around and everything?" I ask him.

"Yes, Amy. You may. But be sure to pick up any missing class and homework from your classes today," he so generously says.

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir! See you later Mr. Maclo!"

I feel all giddy afterwards for some reason. I'm a weirdo. I head back out of his office and find Argent leaning with her back against the wall as she watches me when I'm six feet away. I stop in front of her.

"So..." I awkwardly start and she smirks. "You uh... ready to go?"

"Yeah," she's replies with a hint of a laugh in her voice.

I start feeling like an idiot and I think I hear her whine... but in a more animalistic manner...

"You okay?" I ask feeling somewhat guiltily.

"Yeah... Just don't think that you're a moron or idiot or something..." she demands kindly and in a sad tone. "Many people feel that way around me and I'd rather not have my first friend, who just so happens to be an absolute cutie, to not want to be around me..."

I blush, a lot, and continue walking to her first class.

"I won't leave you," I pause for a few seconds. "I thought about what I just said and realized just how creepy it sounds, considering I just met you."

She chuckles, "No problem. I understand what you mean."

We both look at each other and smile.

"Your first class is in here, Argent. They are about to let out so let's hurry in to talk to your seminar teacher real quick."

We walk in and Miss Jacki.

"Good morning, Amy! To what do I owe this pleasure?" Miss Jacki asks with great glee.

"More like to whom, Miss Jacki," the two of us giggle. "Anyways, this is the transfer student. Her name is Argent and she'll be attending your seminar in the mornings."

"Why, hello, my dear!" she exclaims excitedly towards Argent.

"Hi, Miss uh... Jacki," Argent says, sounding slightly uneasy.

The bells rings.

"We've got to go now, Miss Jacki. Talk to you later!" I state.


I'm almost dragged out of that class by Argent. I hope she's alright.

"I'm fine, sweet pea," Argent almost immediately replies.

"Okay. Off to second period. Art."

I know I'm failing in my attempt to not blush by the smirk on her face. 'She's a meany,' says my conscience in a childish way. Argent giggles. I feel like she knows exactly what I'm thinking. Nah... I'm just crazy.

"You're cute, that's what you are," she just blurts out.

"Why did you just say that?" I question.

"Because it's true."

Ugh... it's like she also knows how to make me blush... I hate blushing...

"It's cute when you blush, Amy," she says assuringly.

"No. Not allowed. Nope. Nada. Zilch," I cross my arms across my chest like a upset child.

We both giggle as I lead us into the art room just before the bell rings.

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