6. Argent

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Damn. Who knew teasing could be so fun?

After dinner we headed for bed. But instead of going to bed we did other things.

*wink wink*

You thought we were pleasuring each other? Shame on your dirty mind! Just kidding. I wish we did. But we did something more fun. We watched a movie as we cuddled, eating some popcorn and ice cream. What about the teasing part you ask? You see, what I meant was messing around with each other using the popcorn. We kept bringing it to each other's mouths and pulling it away as the other person tries to eat it. That was one a little part of it though.

The movie is just finishing now. The popcorn and ice cream finished with its containers on the side table. Amy and I are still cuddling but, as I look down at her and listen to her heart beat and her breathing, I find that she's sleeping. I smile. She's so adorable when she's sleeping.

I decide that I'll try to fall asleep. As I begin to drift off into the nothingness of my empty mind, I catch onto a scent I hoped I'd never smell again.

I slowly and gently get up as I lay Amy on the pillows. I stampede to the front door as quiet as a mouse. I growl deeply once I'm outside.

"Is that anyway to treat a guest?" the intruder questions.

My growl begins to sound like thunder through the woods. I ready myself to fight, my eyes already changed, mostly made up of its fierce golden color with the streaks of Alpha red streaking out from the irises.

"Do you know very I intimidating you are to me?" he continues, as if he were playing a game that he could redo over and over again if I slit his throat open.

I make a quick movement towards him to try to scare him, effectively making him flinch. I smirk.

"You're a bitch," he negatively comments as he spits down at my feet.

That's when I lose it. I jump towards him and shift mid air as I tackle home to the ground. I stare venomously down at him as I shine my bone-cutting sharp teeth, growling so loud that people start to come outside to check the commotion.

I'm about to get off and leave to run his little panties home to get a diaper change when suddenly he pushes me off and I fly most of the way back to the pack house, which I hadn't realized I had gotten so far from.

I hear a whimper other than my own. I open my eyes and find Amy with tears trickling off of her eyes. I get up and, limping at first, hurry back into battle. He comes after me and throws me up and over his head. While still holding onto me, he throws me down onto the ground hard. My whimper almost sounds like a screech.

Amy's tears are now water falling down her face which enrages me.

I run into him, stampeding over him. He tries to grab my leg and I twist around and clench my teeth over his right arm. I pull him around with a lot of speed, causing him to scream in pain. I hear Amy screaming for me to stop but I don't until I feel that his body has gone limp from him going unconscious after hitting his head on a rock. I shift back to my human form. I try to stand but feel very dizzy. That doesn't stop me any from attempting to reach Amy though. Just before I reach the house and after I whisper her name one last time, all goes blurry and quiet and I feel almost weightless...
Hey you guys! Sorry for these last two chapters being as short as they are. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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